Ch.16 Thank god..

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*Your POV*

Laughing... That's all I heard... Mad laughter... My eyes opened slightly and light flooded through the darkness I was surrounded in. My eyes finally opened completely and I looked around the area I was lying in for the owner of that god awful laughing. My head was pounding and my eyesight was slightly fuzzy but I could still make out my surroundings briefly.

I tried to lift my upper body using my elbows to get a better look around but... I couldn't move? I was obviously awake and functioning. Why the hell cant I move?! I looked down at my body and gasped in horror. I had chains wrapped from my ankles all the way up to my thighs and I was lying on a dirty stained operating table with my arms chained to my sides. I tried to scream but nothing came out but only a scratchy, piercing squeal erupted from my throat.

As soon as that horrid noise left my throat that hysterical laughter ceased to make its way into my ears. I then heard slow soft footsteps approaching the table I was strapped to. I looked around frantically for the psycho that trapped me here. The steps grew louder as they grew nearer to me.

And suddenly they stopped... directly behind my head. My breath caught in my throat and felt my body begin to shake rapidly under the chains and restraints. I was terrified beyond belief. Why can't they just let me go, no why can't they let us go. I need to know where they have Cry I need to get us out of here.

I was pushed away from my thoughts when I felt two small cold hands grasp around my neck tightly. Then the laughter started again but this time it was right behind me, it was obvious that the person that had there dirty little hands clasped around my neck the person that owned that sick laughter was none other than my ex-Best Friend... Abby.

As if she had read my mind she leaned down and whispered

"You guessed it *giggles* its meeeee! *giggles*"

My body shook as she spoke and my eyes filled with hate and disgust at the girl that used to be a sister to me.

"Why don't you get it through your sick, thick skull of yours. Cry...will never be yours. You might as well just let us go while you still can." I squeaked back out to her.

Her face twisted up into a psychotic scowl and she began screaming like a mad woman.

"DON'T YOU DARE THREATEN ME YOU WHORE!" Her hand flew threw the air and hit my face with a painful stinging force. My head slammed against the table when the hit came and I grunted in agony.

"I... Can say... Whatever I want... To you." I whispered.

"NO YOU CANT WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN?! BECAUSE YOU HAVE HIM?! HUH? DOES HE GIVE YOU SOME TYPE OF COURAGE!? STRENGTH?!" She screamed in my face. I didn't get a chance to respond to her.

She was running across the room and then heard metal clanking together. She returned to my side holding a very sharp dentist tool to my throat. My eyes widened and I gasped trying my hardest to back away from the thing that would probably be ending my life in a few moments.

"You think I chained you to this table just so you won't get away *giggles* oh no no no I wanted to have a little fun first! *giggles*" I closed my eyes tightly and started apologizing to everyone I've hurt.

'I'm sorry Cry, I'm sorry I dragged you into this whole thing, I'm sorry you've had to go through so much pain for me, I'm so sorry baby I love you so much... I'm sorry mama, I'm sorry I went to Lauren's house that night, I'm sorry you had to come pick me up when you did, I'm sorry that drunk driver was on the rode when you were, I'm so sorry mama I love you...' a single tear rolled down my rosy pink cheeks and I felt Abby applying more and more pressure on my throat every second.

I lay there thinking about the life I had, waiting just waiting for Abby to end my life... But it never came I felt the knife being pulled from my throat and I heard it clang against the hard cement ground. My eyes shot open to see 3 police officers wrestling Abby to the ground and putting hand cuffs onto her wrists. I then felt a warm hand wrap gently around my face and I turned to the person holding me.

It was Cry.. he looked awful, his hair was a mess and clotted with dry blood, he had a black eye and he had cuts through his shirt to his chest and they went all the way up to his beautiful face. He smiled a sad smile and wiped tears I didn't know had even fallen down my cheek with his thumb.

He looked down at my restrained body with a pained expression painted across his face. His eyes met mine and he leaned in close to my face and gave me a gentle sweet but yet passionate kiss on my small lips. He pulled back and looked me in the eyes.

"S-someone is gonna be in here soon to get all of this shit off of you... don't worry baby I'm gonna get you out of here and we are never ever gonna look back." he stuttered with a small sad smile.

"Thank you baby, I love you so much." I cried.

"Shh please don't cry, everything is going to be ok I promise. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE GET IN HERE AND GET ALL OF THIS SHIT OFF OF HER!" He cried out of the door.

"I love you too forever and always." He whispered before giving me another gentle kiss.


Whoo! FINALLY! I hope you babehz like this chapter I worked pretty hard on it and I think it turned out pretty good! I'll try to update again as soon as possible I promise! Please remember to comment, vote and maybe even share this story with some of your babehz! I love chu all to the sun and then back again!❤️ Cx P.S Do you guys like da new cover??❤️

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