Ch.19 Leaving... Maybe?

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I shakily put the keys into the front door and barged into the living room. I slammed the door shut and looked frantically around the living room to see Cry dead asleep on the couch, his head tilted back, mouth wide open, and an Xbox controller resting in his limp hands. I'm guessing he fell asleep at a very bad time because on the screen in big red letters it read 'FATALITY'.

I ran towards Cry and tackled him on the couch. "OOF!" He grunted and wrapped his arms around me "What the fuck was that for?! I was dreaming about riding flying narwhals in a field of jelly beans!" He said in a whining children's voice. I looked him in the eye, eyes wide and breathing heavy.

"Woah Y/N, what's wrong?! It looks like you just saw a ghost!" He said cradling my face in between his hands. I couldn't say anything I just reached my shaking hand into my back pocket and pulled out the crumpled up piece of paper. I scooted off of Cry and sat next to him on the couch. I gently set the note in his hand.

"Read it..." I whispered as I hugged my legs up to my chest and peeked over the top of my knees to see his reaction.

I watched as his eyes quickly scanned over the page his expression unidentifiable. He quickly folded the note and shoved it into his pocket. He jumped from the couch, running up the stairs into our bedroom. I just sat there staring at the place he sat only seconds ago. I'm stunned.. I thought this was all over.. AND RIGHT WHEN I WAS STARTING TO FEEL BETTER! Ugh I hate people... They have the worst timing. This is why I prefer cats. They're all fluffy and cute and omg SO MUCH SQUISH!

*CRASH* WTF?!?! "I didn't do it I swear!" I screamed as I rose my hands above my head and looked around the room frantically. I turned my head and looked into the kitchen where I saw a fully clothed Cry (mask included) shoving a huge suitcase onto the counter knocking over EVERYTHING in it's path.

He ran to the pantry and grabbed all the food he could along with some bottled water , shoving it into a duffle bag he had set down next to the pantry door. I slowly lifted up off the couch and walked over to the suitcase sitting on the counter, making sure to step around all of the broken things on the floor. I set both of my hands on top of the suitcase and looked over to cry now searching the cabinets for any crackers or other imperishable foods like that.

"What's in this?" I asked him

"Most of our clothes and stuff like that."

"Wha-" he cut me off.

"Go buy two plane tickets to New Zealand. The earliest flight available."



I flinched and scurried up the stairs and down the hall into the recording room where he recorded all of his lets plays and other games. I quickly logged into the computer and bought two coach tickets to New Zealand for tonight at 6:00 pm. It was 4:30 right now so if we want to make it to the airport we need to leave in less than 10 minutes.

I ran back into the kitchen, but Cry wasn't in there he was already waiting impatiently by the door. I could only see his frowning lips because of the mask that covered the rest of his handsome face. He suddenly began to stalk towards me. I didn't move I just stood there like a tree. He gently placed both of his hands on either side of my face and swiftly leaned down and kissed me. He pulled away unbearably fast.

I made a tiny whining noise and grabbed onto his leather jacket. Basically begging him not to leave me just yet. He looked down at me, grabbed my wrist and started pulling me towards the door.

"We need to leave.." He said as he released my wrist and flung open the door, both huge bags in his hands.

"Go start the car I'm going to put these in the trunk."

I nodded running to the car, jumping in the front seat and starting the engine.

"Rrrr.. *sputter* *sputter*"

I don't think engines are supposed to sound like that..

"Oh shit what the fuck?!" I screamed hitting the steering wheel.

Cry ran to the front of the car and he popped open the hood. He inspected the parts for a second.

"FUCK!" He screamed. "SHE CUT THE DAMN WIRE! Get out of the car!"

I stumbled out of the car and stood next to him.

"You need to go back into the house and hide.. I'll be there soon."

"Wait what no! You come with me!" I said as I grabbed at his sleeve. He rested his hand on top of mine and whispered.

"She's here.. You need to go inside now.." He whispered as he glimpsed behind my head suddenly and quickly shoved me inside the house.

The sound of that lock... Is the worst sound I could ever hear..



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