Ch.10 S'cute

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The guy above is what my Cry looks like soooo yeah!

*Your POV*

I climbed into the passenger seat of the car after we ate our breakfast. We began driving down the road and I dazed out the window watching the beach pass by my window. It was so beautiful I just didn't want to look away. I saw the blue waves crashing against the golden sand as a young man with golden surfer guy hair and blue swim trunks was playing frisbee with his lab.

I must have been zoned out for quite a while because all of a sudden the car came to a stop in front of a grocery store and Cry was calling my name and gently shaking my knee. I snapped myself out of it and looked up into to Cry's concerned eyes.

"Y/N are you ok? I've been trying to get your attention for a while." he said still having his hand on my knee.

"Oh yeah I'm fine, just got a little zoned out, that's all." I said reassuringly.

He nodded and began to unbuckle his seat belt and get out if the car. I watched him as he came around the front of the car and opened my door for me. 'Aw how sweet!' I thought as I it out of the car and kissed Cry on the cheek.

He blushed and smiled while holding his cheek with one hand. I slowly walked passed him and headed into the store. I felt someone rush up next to me and gently grab my hand in theirs.

I looked down at our intertwined hands and followed the arm up to its owner. My eyes met a pair icy blue ones, it was Cry. Who else would it have been! I smiled and gently squeezed his hand he returned the gesture and looked forward at aisles of the store.

He grabbed a basket while still having one hand in mine. We began to search the aisles for food to stock the fridge. I decided that we needed some damn ice cream! I ran to the freezer section pulling Cry behind me. My eyes lit up when I saw all of the delicious creaminess in front of me.

I saw Cry laughing quietly to himself from the corner of my eye.

"I'm guessing you want some ice cream?" He laughed. I just nodded and dove for the freezer with my favorite ice cream in it.(insert favorite flavor here)! I grabbed a big tub full of the amazingness and put it in the basket cry was holding.

"Ok now let's go find some real food." he laughed.

I smiled and intertwined my hand in his. He looked down at our hands and smiled. He then looked back up and headed into what looked like the pasta aisle.

"I figured since you liked my spaghetti last night I should make it more often." he smiled.

"It was ze best pasta I have ever had!" I said in my AMAZING Italian accent.
He chuckled and gently shook his head. Cry then grabbed some spaghetti noodles and we continued our shopping.
Finally we were done and getting checked out! Me and Cry still had our hands intertwined as the check out boy was scanning our items. I looked down at my shoes out of pure boredom! When I looked up from my shoes I noticed the check out guy checking me out! (Haha)

My eyes widened and he smirked and winked at me. I looked away slightly blushing... what! He was cute! I looked over at Cry and he was glaring at the guy and I think I even heard a low growl come from the back of his throat. Woah I've never seen him like this before.

I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and he looked at me his face relaxed as soon as his eyes met mine. I leaned over and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. I looked back at the cashier and he was glaring at Cry. Cry gave the guy the money and gave a smug smile to the cashier before we left with our bags in hand.


The car ride was quiet but it was a comfortable silence it was awkward at all. I grabbed some of the bags and opened my door to get out of the car. I walked to the front door and waited for Cry to unlock it. Once he did I walked in and set my bags down with a loud sigh. I heard Cry set down some bags by the door.

I felt two strong arms wrap them selves around my lower waist and pull me close to their chest. Then a head rested it self on my shoulder, I could feel his breath on my neck as he gently placed small kisses there.

I turned around in Cry's arms and crashed my lips to his. My arms snaked around his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. I felt his hands move down to my thighs and all of a sudden I was lifted off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he pushed me up against the nearest wall.

He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I decided to tease him a little bit and denied. I heard him groan in frustration and he gently bit my lip I gasped and his tongue made it's way passed my lips. Our lips moved in perfect sync with each other. I moved my hands to his hair and pulled him even closer if that is even possible.

He reluctantly pulled away and rested his forehead on mine, breathing heavily. he smiled.

"Wow..." He whispered.

"Yeah wow..." I whispered smiling.

All of a sudden as we were leaning back in to finish what we started Cry suddenly fell to the ground unconscious. I untangled my legs from his waist and placed them on the ground before I could fall. I looked behind Cry to see ...him... Holding a Please no...

"Did you miss me whore?" He snarled.

Everything went black...


Welp there you go!! Told ya I was gonna upload by today!! Yay!! I hope you like it!! It got pretty heated didn't it?? Okie I'll see you babehz in da next chappie!! I love chuu! Cx ❤️❤️💀❤️❤️

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