Ch.2 Someone

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*Cry's POV*


"Ughhhhhhh why do I have to say so many wordsss aghhhh to much editing!" I sigh as I slump down in my fluffy computer chair. I've been editing this episode of Claire for years! Ok not 'years' but it feels damn like it!

My eyes burn from looking at this god for sakin computer screen! I got up from my chair and stretched my arms in the air and yawned...... "I ... NEED ... a ..... sandwich!" I said matter of factly while sprinting to the kitchen.

I slid to the gigantic fridge on the hard wood floor with my socks. I opened the cold metal doors and looked at my almost empty fridge...

( . _ . ) ... Really...

" TO THE STORE!" I screamed as I ran to the front door with my keys in hand. Damn I'm a weirdo lol oh well, it's meh.

I ran to my silver Porsche. Yeah I know what your thinking. 'How the hell does Cry have a Porsche' well I'll tell you I come from a rich family and my dad gave me this car as a birthday present about a year ago. I didn't ask for one I don't even think I really wanted it but dad insisted.

I opened the door and hopped in the sports car. I sighed and started the engine. I watched as it roared to life in seconds.


I walked to the automatic doors and watched them slide open. I felt the cool air from the air conditioning cover my body relieving me from the scorching Florida weather.

I grabbed a shopping basket and started my shopping. Cuz when Crah wants a samich Crah gets a samich! I walked through the isles grabbing things I need for my lunch and some other things to fill my fridge.

After I was done with my shopping and paying I made my way back out to the boiling weather. I stepped out of the automatic doors and quickly regretted it. 'Damn did it get even hotter! if that's even possible!' I thought while sprinting to my car eager to feel the relief of the cool air.

I unlocked the trunk and lied the groceries in the roomy back. I made my way to the drivers side and unlocked it I jumped in the car and eagerly started the engine to feel the cool refreshing air rush to my face. I sighed and relaxed in my seat.

After a couple minutes of cooling down I placed my foot on the gas pedal and began to drive home.


I carried my groceries in the door and set them on the counter. I began to put away my groceries except for the ingredients I needed to make my lunch.

* Skipping Cry making a sandwich because he's just making a sandwich lol :} *

I sat down at my dinner table and began to eat the sandwich I had just prepared. I looked around my empty house. It was so quiet, so lonely... I wish I could find someone... all the girls I've tried to make a connection with only 'liked' me for my money and not for my personality... all I want is love... that's all I want...


Heyy my Baby demons!!Soo I updated sorry if it's crappy or weird but oh well cry needed a sandwich lol! but he also needs love hmmmmmmm I wonder what will happen next??? lol ok I gtg my babes!! I'll see you in da next chappie!! oh and you like my joker face :} yeah of course you do! Bye bye! xx :}

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