Ch.18 What Am I Going To Do?

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*Your POV*


My body stirred as I began to wake up. I slowly lifted my head from my pillow and peered over the edge of the fluffy blanket curled around me to look at the clock, it read, 10:34 a.m. I grumbled and slowly started to sit up to go down downstairs. I heard a low whimper come from behind me and then two strong arms snaked around my waist and hugged me closer to their hard chest. Cry then released a satisfied/relieved sigh and nudged his face into the crook of my neck. I smiled and slowly turned around in his arms careful not to wake him.

Once I was completely facing him, I searched his sleeping face for any sign of stress or worry.. But there was none he was completely and utterly peaceful. I wish it could always be like that.. not a care in the world.. just peace. A single tear escaped my eye and slowly slid down my small round cheek at the thought. As if he some how sensed it Cry's eyes flashed open already filled with concern. He untangled one of his arms from his death grip on my waist and gently brushed the stray tear from my face.

His hand gently cupped my cheek.

"Baby... What's wrong?" He whispered as he searched my eyes for any clue of what I was feeling.

I sniffled and intertwined my fingers with the hand on my cheek.

"Don't worry about it babe... I'm fine..." I brought his hand to my lips and kissed it gently then returned it to its place on my cheek. "So what do you want for breakfast!" I plastered on the most genuine smile I could muster. I avoided any eye contact as I untangled my self from his grasp and rose out of bed to go make hell knows what for breakfast.

As I turned the door knob I heard a soft sigh escape from Cry's lips. I acted like I didn't hear it and continued my way down stairs to the kitchen. The house was silent, the only sound heard was the pitter-patter of my feet hitting the cold hard wood. I ran to the pantry to see if we had any pancake mix. I freaking love pancakes man!

My eyes scanned over the endless black pit of food that over flowed our pantry.

"Let's see...hmm.. Potato Deep Fried Wait what the hell?" I rolled my eyes and continued searching for the one thing we probably don't have in this mountain of food!

Oh well I guess I'll have to go shopping...ugh I have to be social! I sighed. I put my head down in frustration as I closed the door. Suddenly two firm arms hugged themselves around my waist and pulled me closer.

I felt his cool breath fanning against my neck like a thousand butterfly wings tickling against it. He began to trail kisses up my neck until he stopped at my ear.

"You know you can tell me anything." he whispered.

I closed my eyes and leaned back into his warm bare chest.

"I know.. I'm sorry, you don't need to worry.. Everything's fine." I sighed. his grip around my waist slightly tightened.

"No Y/N nothing is fine. I know what we just went through was the worst thing in the world and I'm really worried about you. I know you're pushing your feelings away to "protect me" but I want you to trust me with everything and we need to move through this together." He mumbled into my hair.

I opened my eyes and gently pulled his hands away from my stomach and slightly stepped away so I could turn and face him. I turned so I was face to face with him and grabbed his hands, intertwining them together. I really really didn't want to talk about this right now...

"I'm going to the store. Do you want anything?" I said while playing with his fingers. I kept my head down towards the ground avoiding eye contact.

He pulled his hands away with a sigh and ran one through his thick brown hair, tilting his head back.

"Fine.. I don't want anything." he mumbled walking passed me and into the living room without another word.

I groaned and made my way back up stairs to get ready.

(Skip getting dressed because you're just putting clothes on your body lol)

I slide into my black converse and jog down the stairs grabbing the keys off the counter as I go. I glance over at Cry sitting on the couch typing on his laptop. He looks so freaking adorable. His shaggy hair is falls just above his eyes which are squinted and focused on the screen. His tongue is slightly poked out from between his lips. He's so cute when he's concentrating.

A small smile crept it's way onto my lips as I admired him. I looked away and ran my hand through my long H/C hair as I sighed.

"I'll be back in a bit babe.."

"Ok.. Be careful.. I love you"

"I love you too."

I smiled and walked to my car.

(Skip car ride and shopping because it's literally just buying food lol)

Ugh I'm exhausted. I had to talk to people.. like I literally had to exchange words with a human being. I just wanna go home and play video games with my babeh!

I smiled at the thought of cuddling on Cry's lap in our pjs and playing Halo. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice I was about to run into my car! I came to my senses and stopped myself before I face planted into my jeep (Cry has a Jeep in his Garage)

I placed all of my many groceries that I'm planning to feed to our 'Pantry Mountain' later into the back of the car. I locked the back, circled around to the front and slipped into the drivers seat. I was about to push the gas pedal when I noticed a small piece of paper fluttering under my windshield wiper.

Confused I slowly opened the door and snatched the note off of the windshield. I delicately opened the paper and what I read... Well to say the least..Terrified me..

' Y/N,
You think you got rid of me? Oh honey you are sorely and utterly mistaken. I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen. You are going to break up with Cry and leave Florida. If you refuse I WILL kill you and him and don't think I won't. I don't have your Fuck up of a dad hanging over my shoulder anymore so I can deal with you how ever I want! Don't even bother going to the cops... because you know that will only end badly for you. Have a good day sweetie...
Love, Your Bestest
Friend Abby'

I dropped to my knees and let the note fall from my shaking hands.

"What am I going to do...?"


WOO I DID IT!! I hope chu all like it! I think this is a pretty good chapter! Well I'll see chu all later I love chu!! Comment, Vote, and message meh what you think!❤️

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