Ch.7 Beautiful

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*Cry's POV*
I put the key in the lock and opened the door for her to walk in. She looked around in amazement she looked as if she had just set foot in heaven!

I chuckled at her expression. She turned around and blushed... God she is truly beautiful...NO bad Cry! I looked down at the floor and studied my not so interesting shoes. She giggled and got on her knees. (lol don't be dirty) I looked at her and she was sitting on the ground giggling as Cat was sniffing her nose and face. She looked up at me

"She's adorable! What's her name?" She asked while stroking Cat's head.

"Oh uhm her name is Cat."I quietly said. Why am I all of a sudden so shy? She giggled.

"Cat? That's her name?...I love it! AH she's so squishy!" She giggled in a goofy voice and picked Cat up rubbing her belly.
"Yeah she is... That" I pointed at Cat "is the reason I don't have any food!" I laughed and walked over to where Y/N was holding Cat and scratched her under her chin. She purred and cuddled into Y/N.

She slowly put her down and sighed.

"Ah...well I'm gonna go take a quick shower." she sighed.

I directed her towards the bathroom at the end of the hall and she walked in.

"Ok towels are under the sink!" I called after her as she shut the door behind her.

As soon as she shut the door a ran to the kitchen and began making a big dinner for Y/N.

'Hmmmm what should Chef Crah make this evening?' I thought.

"Spaghetti!" I whisper yelled. "The Cry special!" I walked over to the cabinet and got out my HUGE pot and set it on the stove. I opened the pantry door reached in and grabbed the noodles, I walked back over to the pot and broke the noodles over it.

"Shit!" I mumbled as a noodle piece flew into my eye. I grumbled and rubbed my eye.

*Time Skippeh Spaghetti making*

I set the table with plates full of my amazing noodley creation. I just set down the forks and sodas (yes soda becuz Cry is a classy mother fucker! Lolz!) when I heard the water turn off from the bathroom and the door opened.

Y/N walked out with her hair damp and she was wearing a pair of my plaid boxers and an oversized blue tee-shirt... she looked adorable... I noticed I was staring when Y/N shyly looked away and blushed. I turned away and blushed (all da blushies!)

"Sorry I uh... Just found these in the bathroom closet and thought you wouldn't mind if I wore them to bed.." she shyly said.

"Oh I don't mind I just keep those for extras anyway." I reassured her.

"Ok. Thank you Ryan" she looked over my shoulder to where I had set the food.

"What's all this?" She said walking passed me to the table.

"I uh made you some dinner, I thought you might be hungry." I walked next to her and pulled out her chair like the gentle mans I am (the mans is on purpose lol). She sat down and smiled up at me.

" I love spaghetti!" She smiled as she picked up her fork and began to eat. I walked over to the other side of the table and sat down across from her. I picked up my fork and began eating as well.

"I wanna try something!" Y/N said excitedly. I looked up at her as she twirled some spaghetti on her fork and grabbed one of the noodles with her mouth and tried to slurp it! The noodle whipped through the air and instead of going straight to her mouth it slapped her right in the forehead!

We started laughing at her funny mishap.
My laughter erupted the room, and she suddenly stopped and looked at me in shock and surprise. She got up and excused herself before walking to her room and shutting the door behind her.

'What was that about?' I thought.

"Unless... shit..." I ran my hand through my hair and got up. I walked over to her door and knocked.

"Yes...? Come in." She whispered only loud enough so I could hear her. slowly opened the door and walked in shutting it behind me. She was sitting on her bed with her knees to her chest.

"...Why didn't you just tell me.." she said looking up at me with her big E/C eyes.

I sat down next to her and looked into her eyes.

"I-I don't know I was going to I swear I just had to make sure I could trust you.." I said putting my hand on her knee.

"I understand... I'm not mad I'm just shocked..." she looked at my poker face mask. "I guess I should have known... since the mask." she said poking my mask where my nose would be.

I smiled and poked her nose back.

"You've had a long day, you should get some sleep." I said as I stroked her cheek.

"Yeah." she yawned "You should too." she held my hand on her cheek and we said our goodnights.

"Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight...Cry." she smiled and I smiled back.

I walked out of her room and shut the door. I walked into the kitchen to clean up the table. I put all of the plates and silver ware in the dish washer and threw away the soda cans.

I walked into my room and stripped off my pants and shirt so I was only in my boxers. I slipped into bed and closed my eyes.

*Your POV*

"BOOM!" The thunder cracked loudly. I jumped and squeaked as I hid under the blanket for some sort of protection.
"CRASH!" The lightning snapped and I jumped out of my bed and ran to Cry's room. I slowly opened the door and leaned in close to his ear. "C-Cry W-wake up I-I'm scared.." I whispered he opened his eyes full of concern.

"Are you ok?" He say up on his elbow and put his hand on my cheek.

I whimpered as another crack of thunder sounded the room.

"Oh.. Are you afraid of thunder?" He asked. I nodded as a tear escaped my eye. He rubbed it away with his thumb.

"It's ok you can stay in here with me..." He opened up his blanket and I crawled in next to him. I felt his warm chest moving up and down against my back as he breathed. He wrapped his arm tightly around my power back and pulled me closer into his chest.

I turned so I was facing him and smiled. He smiled back at me with caring eyes.

I snuggled in closer to his chest and slowly drifted to sleep, to the sound of his heart beat.


Hai my Baby demons! I have finally updated! YAY! And as you can see I am attempting to write longer chapters for you guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I'll see u in da next one! I'll try to update the next chapter tomorrow!! Bye! Xx :}

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