Ch.17 Everything will be ok...i think..

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*Your POV*

Frozen... I was frozen... I couldn't move. My body lay limp as they free me from my restraints. My body was numb I couldn't feel, I couldn't move, it's like I wasn't even there. I mean my body was there but I wasn't. Once I was completely freed my legs failed me and I went flying to the ground but I didn't care... About anything.. I could die and I wouldn't give a crap. Before I could make it all the way down to the ground and possibly crack my head open two big strong hands wrapped them selves around my waist and caught me, inches away from hitting the ground.

I slowly turned my head towards the one that caught me. My eyes met two very concerned bright blue ones. They searched my grey dull eyes for any sign of emotion but there was none. I felt like an empty shell, nothing in me but air. He slowly lifted me back to my feet never releasing his grip on my waist, trying to keep my body steady.

I tried to take a step forward towards the exit but my feet still felt like jelly and my ankles gave out. I felt the grip on my waist tighten and a soft sigh. Suddenly one hand released my waist and went under my knees while the other snaked around my torso. I was lifted off the ground bridle style and slowly walked out of the dark room I was enclosed in.

I instinctively leaned my head against Cry's chest and wrapped my small arms around his neck I felt his muscles relax at my simple gesture. The fatigue hit me in the face like a brick and I suddenly got very tired and snuggled into Cry even more falling asleep to his gentle heartbeat.

*Cry's POV*

'Something isn't right.. That look... That look in her eyes. It's.. It's like she wasn't even there anymore it was just empty. Maybe when I get her home and let her rest she'll feel a little better.' I thought as I glanced to the passenger seat and saw a sleeping Y/N. 'God she's so fucking adorable..' I sighed and continued driving back to my.. No OUR house.

•Le skippeh car ride cuz you be sleepin!•

*Still Cry's POV*

I pulled into the garage and gently got out of the car carful not to wake Y/N from her well needed rest. In case you're wondering no I didn't just give the cops the finger and be like nah bishes we ain't talking to you! I kindly asked them if we could wait with the interviews and stuff because I wanted Y/N to go home and get better before being around people she doesn't know.

I walked around the side of the car and slowly opened the car door then carefully wrapped one arm around Y/N waist and the other under her knees. I gently lifted her out of the car bridle style and quietly closed the car door by softly hitting my butt against it. I slowly opened the door and walked into the house locking the door after closing it.

I looked around at the huge mess on the ground. There was broken glass everywhere and an old wooden bat lying next to the wall leading into the kitchen. I sighed as I replayed that night in my head. I've got to get this cleaned up before Y/N wakes up tomorrow she doesn't need to see this now...

I stepped around the mess and began to walk up the stairs to our bedroom. The door wasn't all the way closed so I gently kicked it open with my foot and quietly walked around the bed to her side and laid her down on the fluffy mattress while wrapping her in the warm blankets. I gave her a gentle kiss on her little forehead and whispered 'Goodnight beautiful' as she snuggled into the blankets even more in her sleep. I smiled and quietly walked out of the room then slowly closing the door.

I walked down the stairs and quickly ran to coat closet to get my broom and dust pan. I got them out and ran to the mess quickly cleaning it up eager to erase that awful might from my head. Well the first half wasn't bad... her lips against mine... her hands running through my hair as my hands tightly gripped her waist... and then THEY showed up.

After I picked up all of the broken pieces I jogged over to the trash can and dumped them in. I looked back over at the floor where I had just cleaned and saw the bat. Anger surged through my veins and I stomped over towards the bat, roughly picking it up I angrily walked to the back door and threw the bat as far as I possibly could away from me. I wanted every bad memory from that night to be gone.

I grunted and closed and locked the back door. I need to go to bed it's been a really really REALLY long couple of days... I need rest. I walked up the stairs and into the bedroom thankfully Y/N was still sound asleep in bed.. she needs her rest.

I sat down on my side of the bed and slipped my shoes, shirt and jeans off. Once I was in only my boxers I slipped under the blankets and snaked my arms around Y/N small waist and rested my face in the crook of her neck.

I slept soundly knowing the one that I hold nearest to my heart was safe and here in my arms.


WOOOOOOOOOOOOO I did it! I hope you guys like dis chapter! I love all chu babeh demonz with all meh heart! How do you babehz like da new cover! I'll see chu in da next chappie! ❤️ Cx

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Instagram: xx_kawaii_narwhal_xx

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