A Day

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'Hyung, please turn off the AC.' Jin requested just as they sat in the car.

Taehyung shuddered at the sudden cold temperature in the van. The thermos swayed in his hands with the speeding car. 'Finish it in one go already!' Jin spat knowing that the medicine must have gone cold already. 

'It's spicy' he whined. His lips curved in disgust with every sip. Jin watched in worry, his voice was broken and very hoarse. But what worried him more was the criticism Taehyung will have to hear in the company today.  

'I think we should call Dr. Park before your recording.' Jin suggested and looked at the front seat, hoping for some support. But Sejin Hyung remained silent, they were trained to tune out the backseat conversations unless called upon, especially when they were together. 

'No, not necessary.'Taehyung snapped, frowning at his boyfriend. He took another sip and offered the worried man a brilliant boxy smile, breaking Jin's heart some more. 

'Sorry' Jin mumbled, growing small against the cushy seat.

'Ay-hey! It's not your fault!' Taehyung noticed he was sulking in guilt and turned his face back to hold his gaze. 'You were so sound asleep, I couldn't disturb you. And you know I love watching you sleep.' he whispered softly, caressing his jaw. He wanted to kiss him again, but, boundaries. 

'Love you.' Jin giggled, zipping up Taehyung's jumper. His cheeks were flushed red at the intent in Taehyung's eyes. The rap on their window broke the moment, the car stopped and neither of them realized it. 

'See you soon.' Taehyung patted his hand and jumped out of the car. Sejin escorted him to the apartment while Jin waited patiently. In a few minutes, Sejin arrived in the garage.

'Paparazzi at HYBE.' he answered Jin's curiosity, handing him the LV black bag. 

'Ahh, Sungho-shi on the way?' Jin asked, transferring his contents. He was glad that he got dressed up today. 

'Yes, on the way.' Sejin answered, texting furiously. 

'Let's just wait.' Jin suggested. 

They left the moment Taehyung sat in his car. He had changed into better clothes as well, which were sweats and a holey T-shirt. They arrived back to back at the HYBE lobby and Jin got his answers. Paps were crowding just outside the HYBE lobby. Their beloved Min Yoongi was back after a two-month-long break. Jin jumped out of his van and ran towards the crowd, much to Sejin's displeasure. The guards followed him quickly. 

'Yoongi-yah!' he made his way through the reporters and hugged the startled man. He had lost weight and looked paler than two months ago. The reporters scrambled to capture this bromance, but that didn't stop the oldest one. The staff made a wider circle, cordoning off the members. 

'Are you mad, Hyung?' Yoongi asked, staring at him as if he had lost some screws. 

'How are you? How is your dad?' Jin flourished with questions, ignoring his remark. They were walking toward the elevator being shepherded by Sejin Hyung. 

'I am fine, Dad is also much better. He is resting at home, the doctors will visit him twice every week.' Yoongi sighed releasing some of his stress. He disappeared just after their last concert, leaving everyone worried and curious. Sejin Hyung answered all their worries a week later informing them that his father was hospitalized for an emergency. They had smuggled him to Daegu on the same night. Jin had tried to contact him several times but knew very well that it would be a monologue. Regardless, who doesn't like some affectionate and supportive words? So it was one text every single day. It was radio silence from Yoongi's end. Taehyung came running towards the elevator and buried Yoongi in a rib-wrecking hug. The latter protested and squirmed out of it, so grateful for Sejin who took him away for discussion. Taehyung and Jin were startled when Jungkook's hand appeared just as the elevator door was closing. He was already dressed in rehearsal clothes. 

'You are early!' Taehyung intended it to be a question but it came out as an exclamation. Jungkook nodded. 

'I could hardly sleep last night. My neck has been hurting ever since I left your place.' Jungkook replied, painfully tired. He tried breaking his neck from side to side and scowled at the failed attempt. He was frustrated that it was affecting his rehearsals. 'Hyung you really need to get something to sit on!' he hissed at Jin 'or I am not coming over anymore!'

'I am still searching for the perfect couch' Jin smiled sweetly at his threat. 

'Just get an interior decorator already or you will never end up with any furniture.' Jungkook pointed out the fact, Tae bit his lip to hold back the smug smile.

'I don't need an interior decorator, I will find the perfect furniture myself!' Jin glared at Taehyung. 

'Just find me the perfect blanket first.' Tae scoffed.

'Blanket hogger!' Jungkook added and both of them laughed out loud, unable to hold in anymore. 

'You told him?!' Jin screeched, scandalized by the new nickname. 'I told you I ordered one!' he yelled running after them on the tenth floor. He stopped when Taehyung paused to cough restlessly just outside the meeting door.

Their meeting was only for an hour before they stepped out of the conference room for their individual schedules, Jin followed Tae and Jimin toward the elevator. 

'Hyung, can you spare half hour, I was just heading into a meeting with PD-nim to discuss the nuances of our new show' Namjoon's voice followed him, mostly to negotiate anything bizarre in the company's sketch for the show. He patted Tae's shoulder to proceed without him, who mouthed 'Love you.' to him before the door closed and he heard Jimin giggle at their high school couple's behavior. 

Following their meeting with PD-nim, Jin went around his schedule, the stylist, and recording before heading for lunch, next was dance rehearsals. He didn't look forward to it, the entire conversation with their choreographer felt like a three-dimensional puzzle without Hoseok. When will he come back from America?

Post lunch he was walking towards the rehearsal room, when he saw Pdogg's name on the recording studio, a few minutes ago Sejin Hyung had reminded him that Tae wouldn't join them for lunch today because the recording was running later than scheduled, adding to his worries. He mumbled a prayer to deal with the scene before opening the door slightly, Pdogg's booming voice hitting his ears, loud and annoyed as he yelled at Tae who sat on the stool with the notes sheet hiding his frustrated tears. Jin gulped, this sight was not fresh, it was common whenever one of them had even the slightest hoarseness in their voices, Pdogg held his reputation of quick temper and perfect production for a reason, but he felt so guilty at the shriveled-up face across the glass, eyes moist with worry.

'Pdogg-shi! did you have lunch yet?' Jin finally spoke flustering the man trying to work, oblivious to his presence. 

'Jin- shi, not yet.' clearly not ready to entertain him, but eyed him regardless, not bothering to ask what he was doing there, the whole company was aware of their bold relationship and never questioned it as long as they worked hard 'i am not hungry.'

'Aigooo...Not even for tteokbokki? Sejin hung ordered extra servings for us, and all I could think of was how much our Pdgogg-shi loves the spiciest tteokbokki!' Pdogg's eyes lit up for a moment, before growing grim again.

'Okay!' he stood up, embarrassed, when the closed room echoed with his hunger pang and Jin had to bite down his smug 'We will continue this recording the remaining day after tomorrow, Taehyung-shi' his instruction was sharp, making Tae jump to his feet 'Fix your voice, it will be one take' now stern eyeing at his excited rushing, Tae slowed down being the absolute good boy. He hesitated as soon as he stepped out, blinking at Jin like a lost lamb. 

'Hyung, when did you come?' he enquired, now confused.

'Just now. I came to tell Pdogg-shi...' who cut him mid-sentence, requesting him to send his share of the dish to the studio itself, rushing them out into the corridor. The moment Jin ended the relay of a message to Sejin Hyung, Tae eyed him curiously. 

'Do you have a sixth sense?' making Jin chuckle. 

'All my senses are trained on you, baby' Tae's cheeks flushed red at his adoration, he wrapped his arm around Jin's shoulder who found his fingers 'You don't have a fever, I will still call the  Doctor.' Tae nodded giving in, basking in the care his boyfriend was showering him with. 

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