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Taehyung's mind tried to set off a siren, to run away, to not open the bedroom door, but with trembling hands he pushed through. The next moment the siren was blocking his mind, urging his legs to move one at a time as fast as he could and as far as he could, ignoring the voices calling out his name.  In their room, their bed, where he cuddled Jin to sleep, laughed and complained about their day, watched late-night movies, and made love, the entire apartment seemed to suffocate him. He stumbled on the stairs, vision blurred with tears, Jin, the love of his life, the pure soul he admired, the body he worshipped, lay flush on his back, naked, while someone, not him, another man sat between his knees and he was happy. He couldn't breathe as he stumbled again, clutching onto the railing with sweaty hands for support, running directionless, yet he wanted to keep moving away from the voice that was following him.

'Taehyung-ah!'  his knees gave out as soon as he locked the door, neck wet with sweat and he gasped for air on an open terrace. He crawled away from the door to find a crook under the ledge,  wrapping his arms over his head between his knees, to silence the blaring in his head. Rocking himself when the scene wouldn't leave his mind, his sanity now begging to calm down, enough to breathe. 'Tae! Open the door! Jin Hyung is here!' just breathe, just breathe, Namjoon's voice raved up his breathing again and spiraled out of control, he shut his eyes tightly to stop, Jin betrayed you. 

'Taehyung-ah?' his sweet voice, always soothing him and yet now made him cringe 'Look at me baby' Jin whispered, the soft touch on his arm, how he wished to pull him closer and make it all disappear, but his mind went into overdrive, he was gasping for air again as snapped open his eyes, burning from the lack of oxygen 'Don't touch me!' he managed to warn, voice barely a croak as he recoiled away from the lingering fingers. The sight of him so close brought back the scene, Jin sprawled on their bed stark naked while Namjoon was between his legs. He gasped, suffocating at the sight of Jin, his eyes traced the lines on his face, his plump lips, and those dark hazel eyes, the one he had fallen for, every single line and a mole on it caused his chest to tighten now. His fingers tug at his hair to stop the image from rebuilding in his mind, now fully dressed and yet bare feet, Jin wobbled from his previous position to the current one and Namjoon followed him closely. Taehyung wanted to scream, wail but all he could do was gasp for air, hitting his head on the knee to stop thinking, to make the scene disappear from his mind. Those bony long fingers wrapped around his forehead to stop him from hitting his head one more time, his warm touch hypnotizing momentarily. 'Voo...take a deep breath' the depths of his orbs were troubled, and pained and yet he brought peace to Taehyung's mind, his lungs learning to function again, he drew a long breath. Jin continued to hold his gaze but Taehyung's felt his heart wrench in horror,  creating a hollow in his core with betrayal, pushing away his hands 'NO! DON'T TOUCH ME!' he glared down as he found the strength to step away. Anger faltered in his cells to see Namjoon's hand coil around Jin's waist to help him up.

'Taehyung, it's not what you think...' his boyfriend appealed, wobbling towards him, where he was backed up against the ledge. Jin pulled him away, afraid of the direction he was headed in.

'NO! I said DON'T TOUCH ME!' he jerked away from his hand, the knot in his core tightening again to see Namjoon following Jin's every step. 

'Taehyung-ah, listen...' Namjoon reached out to him, and just the sound of his voice set the fire in his chest ablaze.

'SHUT THE FUCK UP! You! You did this!' Taehyung pushed him away, it hurt to see the man who had destroyed his home, his dream, and his love. Scenes of their giggling, touching, and the most recent one where he had tarnished Jin sprung Taehyung into action. Namjoon flustered and gasped for help when Taehyung grabbed him by the collar and pinned him to the wall. 

'KIM TAEHYUNG!' he gnawed at his back, pulling him back forcefully, his voice now desperate 'Leave him! It's not his fault!'

'Why? WHY?!' Taehyung yelled, stumbling back. Jin flinched at the yelling in his face, forehead knitting in worry, but Tae didn't care, or at least didn't want to 'Are you worried I will hurt your LOVER? Is that what I should call him? What about me then? What am I?!'He screamed. Namjoon scrambled to his feet quickly to see Taehyung threateningly edging Jin toward the ledge.  Jin was confident Taehyung wouldn't hurt him. 

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