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'Miso! do not run!' Seokjin hissed, panting behind her. 'Fuck!' he breathed stepping onto a piece of lego. Yeah, their once immaculate living room was now a kingdom of lego land. One had to walk like a dinosaur in New York City to stand somewhere.  'Fine, don't eat. Harabeougi will be here any moment to take you.' he warned and she stopped running suddenly, but he did not expect the next reaction. She never ceases to surprise him, but it was tried and tested method. She began screaming in confusion and frustration, lying in the piles of lego on the carpet. There were no tears just her legs and hand flailing in tantrums to kick the couch where he sat down on. I waited for her peak to end and then she grew tired, I took advantage of her screaming in my face to sneak in a spoonful of porridge. Mistake.  She spat it right back out, dripping all over her face, the uniform, and the carpet. He was in so much pain, it was testing his patience now. 'MISO! You brat-'

He was shut down by the scowl on Taehyung's face eyeing his raised hand about to hit their daughter. She was picked up in a swift motion and carried away clinging to the man trying to calm their scared child. He stroked her back, whispering soothing voices while she clung to his neck, tears trembling down her cheeks to soak in his thick navy cashmere coat. He was unbothered by the food staining his own clothes, focussed entirely on calming her down. Taehyung pulled the bowl out of Jin's hands, cursing him with a gaze before shutting the dining room door. Jin fell back into the couch, massaging the spot under his ribs. He shut his eyes momentarily, assured that neither of the two will come out anytime soon. He was remorseful for what had just happened, but he needed a moment to himself to feel this pain.

It had been quite a journey over the last few months, he was surprised and proud of his own recovery. Faster than most patients, the doctor had said. But only he knew the reason behind it. It was not one, but two reasons actually. The first and foremost one was obvious to everyone. He wanted to be a part of the comeback scheduled in three months. So this motivated him to work on his vocals to regain his dexterity, he was training all seven days with the vocal coach at this point. The second, and a lesser known reason was Taehyung. His Voo. The amount of stress he had endured over the last two years, the man was still reeling in it and now it was showing. Jin lost it when the news media, internet, and fans picked up on it. They printed that his weight loss was an eating disorder, he had indeed grown scrawnier. A quick physical showed that he was indeed quite underweight and at risk of low immunity. They got into an exclusive fight the day reports came, wherein he concluded that action was due on his end. Grandparents, staff, and guards were appointed to make Miso's life easier.  PD-nim was called to ease their schedules. As for himself, Taehyung confirmed his views 'I hate your caretaker' when the new one was appointed. But his jealousy was a small price to pay for the greater good. 

'The lion growled like this...' Oblivious that her Pa was fooling her to feed, she laughed at his animated face. Jin stood by the dining room door, watching the people he had begun to miss in the living room. Miso's laugh gave Taehyungie encouragement to animate the story. Our daughter was a happy and playful child generally. Most of the time in her own world loved Lego, computers, and games. Her favorite subject was math. She was the happy pill in this house. Except for her eating habits. Food was her enemy. She was never hungry. And it was normal, her medical reports showed no deficiencies. But a child must eat! 

'I am not telling you any stories for lunch.'  He pulled out a chair opposite her, next to his suited-up husband. He poured a glass of water, pretending to ignore their whispers and giggles. 'Your Pa can come home to feed you.' 

'He will.' she crossed her arms. They exchanged an amused smug at her confidence. 

'Why are you up and about so early? I told you last night not to worry about her.' Taehyung's gaze narrowed down on him, stuck to the crinkles on his forehead. Miso was eating by herself now, feeding with Taehyung's hand still on the spoon. 

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