Red Herring

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The other side of their bed was not just empty but cold, am I late? The time on the phone said otherwise, what is it with this man, how does he have the energy to wake up so early after a night like that? I wanted to stay in this dreamland, his moans and screams still fresh in my mind only adding to this unashamed desire building in my core, he was hard, again. Alas! Jin was not in his arms. I was annoyed now, being pulled to the present. 'Jin-ah?' I called out, frustrated. But there was no reply for the longest minute. Am I forgetting something?! Did he have an early schedule?! I sat up quickly. He hates to be rushed, did Sejin drag him out of the bed? Oh dear god! He will be in such a foul mood. I hope not, I hope not!  'Jin?' I called out walking to the washroom. He was not there. Hyung, did you pick up Jin? I texted Sejin Hyung as well. 

There were no voices, as I walked into the living room. Did he have to leave early today? Fuck, he will be so tired, he barely got any sleep. It was already dawn when he watched his boyfriend pass out after multiple climaxes. Fuck, I am so screwed. There was no reply from Sejin Hyung either. 

 'Seokjin-shi left early, Kim-shi'  Baek-shi answered the worries in his head, peeking out of the kitchen. I swear I would have jumped out of my skin if he didn't have those distinct thumping footsteps.  

'Ahh.' was all I could say, worried and confused about Jin.  

'Please have your breakfast, I have to go grocery shopping' he said, more of a command than a request.  I nodded at the information, going back into our room to freshen up. Am I worried? Disappointed? Angry? I tilted my head in the mirror to figure the emotion out. Maybe scared? Aish! You are overthinking this Taehyung! Let it go, we will figure it out later in the evening. 

But he didn't kiss you before leaving. It popped just as I finished showering. Ah! This will stay until I see him now. 

'Did he at least eat?' I asked, visibly worried for the man now. More so for his blood pressure. I pulled out my phone to type him an angry text when Baek-shi clanked a utensil reminding me that I should not be angry, but instead worried.
'Yes yes, he did' Baek-shi's voice sounded off,  almost like he was convincing me.

I played with the tofu, still staring at my screen. Why wasn't there a reply yet? Fuck it! I dialed Jin first, but the call went blank. I could feel my forehead scrunch up in worry now. So I dialed for Sejin Hyung next.  
'KIM-SHI! NO!' Baek-shi yelled, his eyes ready to pop out shifting between the phone and me.

'Baek-shi! What the fu-! I almost flipped the bowl!' he could still feel his heart race at the older man's voice. 

'Sorry, but I forgot to tell you a message, Seokjin-shi told me he had a no-phone appointment this morning, so he might not be reachable' he explained, quickly wiping the counter where particles from where I dropped the chopsticks had fallen.  Taehyung's felt his forehead scrunch deeper, absolutely upset now that he was not informed, how dare he, but Baek-shi continued 'I forgot to ask him about the grocery list since he rushed out. If you have time, can you help me list it out?' he was pleading, reading me carefully. I stood up almost saying no, somehow I didn't like this anymore. 
' Please? You know that otherwise, Seokjin-shi will complain' Baek-shi interrupted his typing another message. I sighed, scrolling through the message that was on a single tick under 'Love'  On Baek-shi's further insistence, I sat down with him to make the list so that Jin doesn't whine about brands and quality or fire Baek-shi.

'I want aunty's Eomuk Beokkum. Love you too, Voo ' I reread the text for the fourth time later that day, tension knots shoulder melting away with a heavy sigh. Jimin's surprised eyes made me realize I was frowning the entire day, he even voiced his concern when I was forced to smile and greet everyone at the new set. My mind was on Jin, no, not the first time we have been apart. But something felt really odd about the day. I couldn't eat, rest or focus. Even the director's request couldn't bring me back. My soulmate chided me ' You spend every waking hour with him, he must be busy'

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