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Author's POV

'Taehyung-shi!' her shrill warning echoed in Taehyung's thoughts, currently trying to shut out the world and enjoy a quick nap. But he also had to get makeup done, rehearse his lines, do his hair, and get his outfit right. It was a working day, even if he wanted to doze off right there, on the floor, if he could. The hot iron sizzled right by his ear, waking him to alertness, and his gaze caught the culprit. His sleep-thief. Jin. His Jin. How he wanted to bury his head in Jin's silky bare skin and snuggle in his embrace. If it was up to him, they wouldn't have left the bed this morning. Sleep eluded him when it came to his beloved, he would have tired his baby to pass out with some more lovemaking. Instead of watching him run behind Jungkook now, all dressed and ready for the shoot. How the fuck was he not tired? Everyone on the set knew their affairs last night, the tiny hickey on his immaculately dressed body was my doing. The sight of which made his insides squirm now, Jin's moans and whines came rushing back to his thought.  He shifted in his seat reminded of the way Jin had defended the mark, 'Aaah Seo Jun- shi, it's nothing, there were some bugs in my bed last night, I was literally hugging the fly swat in my sleep, but the bugs wanted to risk their lives for a taste of this beauty.' 

Nobody believed him, especially with his partner smirking in the corner. How could he not look adorable flushed red hiding behind Taehyung when the entire makeup team erupted in laughter? But that did not stop him from being a siren for the rest of the day.

Now he halted in front of Taehyung, startling him awake when his lips landed on Taehyung's cheeks, right there, in front of at least ten staff in the room. But the oldest had more in his pocket, Taehyung enjoyed every second of this Jin, brazenly fondling, kissing, and teasing him during the shoot. He would have pinned the man against the wall and kissed the light out of him if it wasn't for the director yelling his displeasure. Do you think that would stop Kim Seokjin? The shoot paused for a break. But the real reason was the otherwise subdued Seokjin grabbed Taehyung's ass in front of the entire shoot crew, on camera!  And what would anyone say anything to the respectful Kim Seokjin? What had gotten into him? It had surprised him, not like Taehyung was complaining...

'Come on! We have to gooo.' Jin whined. After the shoot ended, Jin hovered around him, following him from one person to the next like a starry eyed-boy. Taehyung was using a whole lot of restraint to not take him in one of the rooms and fuck the brains out of him. But then his consciousness wanted to compensate for today's delayed shoot before they commented on their relationship or blame his boyfriend. Besides, PD-nim would kill him if his intentions succeeded. After all, he is the younger one. But damn, was Jin making this difficult.

'Let us goooo!' Jin whined again, pulling at his sleeve. The little stomp of his feet tested my patience. 

'Stop it, Jin-ah! What is up with you?' I exasperated, unintentionally. But the look on Hoseok hyung's face seemed like he was about to scold Jin. And that was unacceptable. 

'I want to go home! Let's goo!' Jin pulled at his bag, spilling the content on the floor. 

'AISH! You are getting on my nerve now!' I grumbled, picking up the things. Hoseok was starting to get away from them, exchanging a look with their choreographer. 

'Hyung!' Taehyung called out after them, just before they walked out. He ran upto them leaving Jin alone to pick up his bag. 

'Taehyung-ah! Come one!' Jin followed him quickly and tug at his coat now. Taehyung exchanged an uneasy look with the two others, he really wanted to learn that dance before tomorrow. 

'Jin-ah, you go first.' He suggested and turned back to the meeting, but the tug at his coat didn't leave him. 'I will see you back home.' he tried again, grabbing his bag from Jin's hand. There was something in Jin's eyes, that he didn't follow. 

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