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Taehyung POV

'Fuck! If Jin finds out....' I hissed dropping into the couch. I was so fucked up, every inch of my face gave away the trouble I was in. No, not afraid of this leaking to the media, I knew that will be taken care of by the company. But if Kim Seokjin catches a whiff of this incident, my husband, my one and only love had the capacity of murdering me in cold blood. 

'How bad can it be? You two are married after all!' Sejin patted my shoulder, tugging at the tablet in my hand where I played the clip on a loop, still in disbelief that it was captured.  'I am sure he will be fine, you must have mentioned it to him sometime-' he stopped talking when he saw the look in my eyes. It was one of fear, no not of my new husband's rage but fear of hurting him. My body was now drooping with immense guilt and regret, and the constant tapping of my foot gave away my anxiety. 

'I wouldn't be here if he had any knowledge about this.' I chuckled, trying and failing to feel lightweight.  'Hyung, I know you are doing your best but can you hide the video from the other members, except maybe, Namjoon Hyung-'

'The thing is...' Sejin sank into the couch next to me, with a loud sigh. Something bad, I knew it.

'What is it?' I asked, eyeing their senior manager carefully. 

'Jungkook-shi already saw it and stormed out of here.' He dropped the bomb, edging me to lose my shit. 'With a copy of the video.' he winced, knowing it didn't land well on the man that had jumped to his feet. Fuck, this was bad. Yes, Jungkook will screw the lights out of him, but he will also find it morally bound to enlighten his dear older brother on his new husband's dirty past.    

'I am so screwed! Fuck!' I exclaimed, laughing nervously. My thoughts were spiraling now, so I decided to run and find Jungkook. 

'I am sorry.' Sejin offered,  scratching the back of his neck and Taehyung felt guilt pour in some more. 

'It's not your fault, Hyung.' I nodded, accepting the responsibility for his actions. 'Pray that I am still married this time tomorrow.'I sighed, leaving the words in the editing room but feeling them sinking in my bones as well. 

 Jungkook was exploding to a very somber Jimin in the rehearsal room, while the rest of them avoided his rage. He sounded like he was upset that Jimin already knew of this and yet chose to hide from his own boyfriend. I was shoved against the wall the moment I walked into the room, pinned against it in a chokehold. In front of me were a seething face and furious eyes. Jimin, Namjoon, and Hobi pulled the face away to let me find the ground gasping for air. For a moment there, I was afraid, either I was going to heaven or Jungkook was heading to prison.  And yet he hovered right there. 

'I have already sent it to Jin Hyung, he should be aware of what his beloved husband does behind his back.' he spat at me, earning a glare from his other older brothers.  'I will not let you near Hyung if you do not explain yourself. There are already extra guards protecting him.' he warned, crouching at my level as I straightened up.  I should be afraid of him, he looks like a mad bull. And the guards behind them were scarier.  But I was more afraid of his words. So Jin knew and was waiting for him at home.

Home. The one he and Jin had created. Before we came back from Germany, his apartment was laid out for a newly wedded couple, with all my possessions laid out perfectly with Baek-shi's help. My clothes had a share of the large closet now and so did my toys. All of my books were placed alphabetically in the library and my own PC was accommodated in the game room. The biggest surprise was the photos, Jin's favorite photos that I clicked were neatly framed and lined up all along the lobby corridor. But what made the apartment our home, was Jin. And right now I was terrified of going there. I cleared my throat,  meeting the eyes of every member, and started to tell my tale. And by the end of it, they all had the same look that Jimin had for me the first time he heard it. Jungkook patted me, still upset about the deeds but developing an understanding skin for my feelings. He also seemed slightly guilty for hastily sharing the video with Jin, now that he realized that his Hyung must be alone at home, emotionally traumatized. How does one face that, being the cause of it, when vows of eternity were exchanged just six months ago?

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