Lost words

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He was not ready to see him again, let alone sit through a meeting. Jin, Namjoon... in the same room the thought made his heart ache. All his efforts to convince Suga and Jimin turned to ashes when PD-nim called him,  reminding him of the promise, to not let their personal life or their relationship affect their work. Walking and sitting seemed like a burden, how he wished to stay in bed till the end of days, but Jimin dragged and shoved his lifeless self around. Shades on his eyes could not hide the tears streaming down his cheeks as the HYBE building came into their sight, his feet refused to cooperate, I won't be able to control myself if, not after last night, not my Jin, not with him... To his surprise, Suga's fingers wrapped around his trembling hand, 'I'm here' his understanding voice and soft gaze him down. From the two of them, Suga had always been biased toward his older brother, having him by his side instead of Jin's gave him the courage that he was not alone in this. He let those arms guide him through the building, numbing his mind so as to not die of overthinking and anticipation. 

'Earth to Taehyung!' Sejin Hyung's voice boomed in his ear, snapping him back to the room 'I said you need to redo your recording' he shook his palm to catch his attention, satisfied only after his slight nod. When did the meeting start? how did Suga Hyung reach there? whose arms are these? his gaze shifted from Suga and Jimin sitting right opposite him to the strong arms wrapped around his shoulder, but before he could turn around the familiar voice spoke 

'Are we not waiting for RapMon Hyung and Jin Hyung?' Jungkook was leaning on him, stroking his arm every few minutes, his question made his gaze roam around the room they are not here! where are they? why does it hurt so much to hear his name? 

'That is the next point on agenda, PD-nim will take over' Sejin Hyung took his seat in the side chair while they waited for PD-nim, who came in fashionably late, Jungkook must have felt his heart pounding, his hands tightened around his chest now stroking his torso, appealing him to calm down. 'Good morning, I don't want to beat around the bush' PD-nim said taking his seat. Taehyung removed his shades out of respect making Jhope flinch, he must have looked terrible because PD-nim's assistant gawked at his face. 'Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin will be in America for the next three months' Jungkook's arms loosened up around him, was this a prank? I am not in the mood for secret cameras he looked around the room to see everyone be their natural selves, and sad. Even PD-nim sighed before continuing 'Since we cannot host any live concerts for the next few months and probably indefinitely, the two of them will function from the American branch while brainstorming with other artists and their managers.' he glanced at Taehyung before continuing, is he serious? they just left? why now? why all of a sudden? '

'They left? How can they leave without meeting me?!' Jungkook's chair went flying to hit the wall,  as he stood up in protest. 

'Calm down Jungkook-shi, they wanted to tell you themselves,  but a meeting was rescheduled and they had to leave on an early flight.' Sejin explained. Jimin brought back his chair, forcing him to sit down, and came to stand behind Tae massaging his neck to ease the stubborn knots 'Besides the weekly catch-up with them, you can always reach them at your convenience.' Jungkook continued grumbling under his breath, 'they will come back, right? and we can also visit them anytime, right?'

'It's just for three months, Jungkook-ah.' Jhope took charge to calm down their angry youngest brother.

'Unfortunately, both of your schedules are packed, with them in back-to-back meetings and you four will have to take on their projects as well.' PD-nim supplied. did he really leave? with Namjoon? was he waiting to leave? is that why he was drifting away? why didn't he ever tell me? was I never important to him? would he have just broken up and left if I hadn't caught them? Was our entire relationship a sham? his insides were choking and clenching when they left the conference room, with Jimin's hand guiding him to Suga's studio. Jungkook left the room before PD-nim finished, ignoring their warning that they were still on the flight, determined to calm down only after Namjoon and Jin hears his whines and Hoseok Hyung followed him to avoid any disasters. 

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