Why not?

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Oooh, this is good, I'll share this. This too... This one too... Fuck, is this the time? I'll watch this last one... but... when did Hyun Bin release a new movie?! Shut up stomach, I don't want to get out of bed yet...Oh wow! this is not Hyun Bin...who is this? Anyways, Yoori Nuna looks very thin in this dress, maybe I should text her.......aaahh, shush stomach! Ah! who is this? I thought Ken was on mute! Noooo.. this is the new group...how many groups are they making! .... ok fine, maybe I am really hungry, when did I eat yesterday?! Did I not eat enough?   I stood up to fix the bed and made my way to the washroom. I need to change the bed sheets. Man! it is difficult being an adult. 

Woah! That is a handsome fellow! I caught my own reflection in the mirror after a shower. No wrinkles, no scars, who made you this beautiful? Touchwood! I shot some air kisses for myself and giggled by myself. It felt good. The whole room feels weird with Taehyung, his clothes are just thrown about the room. I need to empty a section of the closet for him. Then he can bring some more of his stuff instead of the stupid morning routine. I made a mental note while slipping into a tracksuit. Comfy enough for the rest of the day. 

The kitchen was awfully quiet as well. Bright sunlight was bouncing off the pale white flooring. I really need some furniture, this is just plain depressing. The empty place looks emptier! Before I could start my day-long plan for unwinding, my stomach reminded me of the task at hand. I dragged myself inside the kitchen. But fortunately did not need to head all the way in, 'It's Baek-shi day off. Eat before play.' Taehyung's fine handwriting sprawled on a yellow post-it stuck to a steel cloche on the kitchen counter. Where did he even find this? Under the cloche was scorched rice on a ceramic plate. Taehyung. He felt warm inside. Who else has a boyfriend like him? Where is my phone? I patted down myself, where is it? then realized where it was. I jumped and skipped back to our room. 

'Hi, how are you feeling?' I typed. No reply came instantly. I bite into my lower lip wondering why. Maybe he doesn't have his phone on him. 

'GM, my voice is back!' I smiled, relieved that he was feeling better 'Appa's med worked!'

I snorted a chuckle, you can trust Taehyung to end every sentence with an exclamation mark. Did he forget the antibiotics Dr. Park gave him? Or is he buttering me up for something? 

'Yeah? My dad after all.' i texted him back. He sent a weird emoji. 

'Nurungji is tasty, thank you!' I texted, realising the intent of grabbing my phone before actually feeding myself. 

'LIAR!' He texted within a second, and I frowned. 'YOU JUST WOKE UP!' I rolled on the bed, laughing. All caps, exclamation mark. He was accusing me and he was right. 

'Your Liar.' i put down the phone and ran back to eat. Still laughing by myself. 

After eating, Gukmul ran about on the pillow while I cleaned his cage and toys. My eyes were constantly on him, he was yet to get used to this apartment. 'GUKMUL! NO!' i yelled. He stood on his hind legs eyeing me and the bedroom door. I just changed the bedsheets, don't go in there, please! Then he tried to make a run for it but failed. Instead climbed on my legs. I put him back in the cage and settled on the pillows like a king. Time for War of the Worlds! 

'Ahh jump, you lazy asshole, jump NOW!' i yelled, completely in trance. The doorbell rang urgently. My character is in the middle of the battle, you freaks, please wait for whoever it is. 

It rang even more urgently, this time the intercom beeped 'Mr Kim? Are you there, Mr Kim?'

'Fuck!'  I could have finished the eleventh level! I kicked the pillow on my lap and jumped to my feet. Fucking shit, what was that?! A sharp stabbing pain coursed through my entire left side. I tried to stand straight but failed, so I settled in that position, half bent forward,  trying to find the origin. Legs? Neck? Feet? I touched everywhere. Nothing clicked. I frowned, surprised at the actual source. Stomach. Did I eat something wrong? Did I eat too much? The doorbell rang and this time there was even a bang on the door. I dragged myself as I was, with a limp in my footsteps. Fucking shit! What is this pain? Why does it feel like I ate nails and screws?!

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