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'Thank you' the phone lit up in the darkroom. He could hardly sleep, with the day ingrained in his very being for the last seven years, he had no reference anymore on how to go about. How to wish your ex-boyfriend on birthday? can I wish my ex-boyfriend on birthday? what to gift ex-boyfriend on birthday? should I wish my ex-boyfriend who cheated on me? he stopped only when Naver issued a two-hour warning. Laying his head back into the pillow, he smiled, 4th December, reminiscing how big of a deal it was for Jin and his family. Every year, preparing for it weeks in advance his mother would send him a hamper, full of his favourite foods and drinks. Last year, in the absence of MAMA and other award functions, they had decided to surprise him with a brunch party at a swanky restaurant. He was already over the moon, jumping on a boat in glee with Taehyung's surprise overnight fishing trip. They dressed up for a fancy dinner only to spend the night undressing for Taehyung to ruin him. Now he smirked remembering how Jin could barely walk the next day and had hissed at him for teasing.  

His memories froze momentarily when he heard the familiar voice echo as the rehearsal room door swung open.

'Stop whining Jungkook-ah!' Jin's voice echoed through the call. His heart thumped, realising, he had not expected to hear his voice today. The door closed and he was already missing it.

'Hyung, please let me visit you again. Pretty please!' now he could only hear Kook's voice as he leaned against the nearby wall. Why was he hiding? He didn't know. But he was not ready to hear Jin's voice let alone see him, he was not ready last month when Namjoon arrived and still is, not today of all the days.  
'Ok, Hyung! some other time then' momentarily lost in the way his voice had set his mind on fire once again he did not hear Hobi Hyung approaching him, 
'Hmm, he is... the same, but you don't wor-' Jungkook shoved the phone in his pocket when Hobi dragged Taehyung through the doors, barely meeting Kook's eyes he quickly changed shoes to practise. 

'Taehyung-shi? You are doing it again..' the world had disappeared with Jungkook's words still echoing in the background did he visit Jin? When did he go? does he know how he is? Has he been eating well? Why didn't he know? Have they all been visiting Jin? His overthinking had been halted by the director yelling his name one more time.

'You drink, Kookie. Order some more if you want.' It was always refreshing to have a conversation with Jungkook. Taehyung couldn't help but return his genuine grin, the baby in him was happiest when fed and given unlimited access to drinks on a cheat day. He had learnt it from Jin, whenever Taehyung complained for teaching him all the weird things, he is learning life lessons, Voo-yah!.

'Kooks, what are your plans for the night? Want to jam it at the karaoke bar?' his wide eyes popped out, Taehyung could read them, and he knew the reason behind the look. Jungkook would observe other members try and fail to involve him in their plans and had himself decided to simply sit, hold his hand and listen to the silent tears whenever they traumatized him.
'I would love to, Hyung!' suddenly his grin dropped to a pout ' but they made me do so many retakes today, my voice feels sore and then we have recording again tomorrow....' he stabbed at the chicken giving up on his chopsticks, internally disappointed to miss this golden opportunity. 'Ok ok!' Taehyung helped him with the piece 'then what do you want to do? Want to come home?' his innocence so pure in that nod 'we can play games!! War of the worlds!' he beat his chest to imitate the Viking character and guttural voice, making him laugh for the first time in three months and Kook enjoyed this, his eyes soft with adoration. ' I have the latest version!' he managed to say between laughs.
'Yess! I was just talking about the new version with Jin-' his excitement suddenly muffled between tight lips, when Taehyung realised the sudden tightness in his chest. His transition from a laugh to a wince must have made Jungkook nervous because he stopped eating and those Bambi's eyes had concern in them.

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