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'Careful' Taehyung warned him, shouldering his drunk soulmate's weight. Jimin partied a little too hard, but it was his birthday. This resurfaced memories of Jin and his never-ending tolerance for alcohol. Jin was on his mind the entire day, feeding his guilt, and downing the first glass of champagne he blurted out his woes to Jimin, his best friend. Something had switched in Jimin's behavior the moment he heard it, he downed glass after glass before it hit him. People like him and Jin, have to will to get drunk. Throughout the ride, we were silent. But Jimin's slap woke me up from my drunk slumber the moment his door closed and we were alone.

'HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HIM?!' Jimin screamed in his face, freeing himself from Taehyung's support. 'How dare you cheat on him!?' he yelled, pure fury in his intoxicated eyes. 

'Cheat? I was just having fun, man!' Taehyung chuckled, he tried to brush it off. 'Besides, if anyone did, he betrayed me first.' he spoke in Jimin's face, seething between his teeth. His own best friend did not support him, he felt enough guilt to not have Jimin pour in some more. 

'Fun?!' Jimin grabbed his collar 'How can you have sex while he is in pain?!' he screamed in Taehyung's ears, tears brimming in his eyes.

'What is so painful exactly, huh? A long-distance relationship with Namjoon?!' Taehyung yelled back and shoved at him so hard, Jimin stumbled to the wall in the corridor. They were still near the main door. 'At least he is happy, what do I have? Even you-'

'He is not happy...' Jimin slid down the wall, burying his face in his hands, sobbing in them  'Jin Hyung is so lonely...alone, heartbroken.' 

'Jimin-ah..' Taehyung remained stunned at the sudden change. He squat beside Jimin and pulled him in a hug, after all, he was his best friend. Besides Jungkook would hold him accountable for making his boyfriend cry. Jimin sobbed in his arms and Taehyung comforted him. They continued to sit there until Jimin decided to lie down, his head was pounding. 

'Can I tell you a secret?....' Jimin spoke, Taehyung cracked an eye open, alcohol was playing on his exhaustion. 

'Hmm?' Taehyung replied, lying down next to him. 

'But we cannot tell Taehyung. Jin Hyung ordered us not to tell him. Promise?...' Jimin whispered the secret he had sat on for so long, way too long.

He woke up startled. Jimin's words were crisp and ringing in his ears. It almost felt real. But he questioned it when his head started pounding with a hangover. 

'Jimin-ah?!' Taehyung called out, his voice coarse and throat burning.  The cold hard floor did a number on his body, it ached in places he didn't know could. 

'Jimin-ah!' he called again, wobbling through his apartment.  

Jimin flinched at the angry call. He was startled awake the moment he realized what he had done. Clarity came only when he hyperventilated anxiously in the closet, trying to calm down that maybe he won't remember, hoping that he will think its a dream. But Taehyung found him and those bloodshot questioning eyes messed with his mind. How he wished Jungkook would walk in right now, if only he had stayed over last night... 

'Jimin-ah, did you say Jin was hospitalized?' Taehyung's breath was shallow, anticipation made him nervous, and his towering over the crouched figure didn't help. Jimin was in trouble, he scrambled to his feet to run away. 'Don't you dare lie to me!' Taehyung warned and blocked Jimin's path. 

'Answer me. Where is he?' Taehyung demanded. 

'Why are you interested? I thought you were over him. Isn't that why you went frolicking about in celebration.' Jimin countered him, remembering their conversation last night. But it hurt to see pain flash in Taehyung's eyes.

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