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Baek Sung-Ho (Baek-shi)

The stench was strange. For this house. The sight was unbearable. Kim Seokjin, face down on the couch. A dark red layer caked around his mouth and on his clothes. Was he sleeping or..? Sejin-shi towered over us. My hand quickly retreated. Something was strange. The colour of his skin was pale, almost blueish. This time I retreated. A few steps. He coughed up some more of it. And if it hadn't already, seeped into the couch. Sejin-shi signalled me to help him up. He was a strong man. But now could barely stand. My gaze went to the door far down the corridor. Was Taehyung-shi not home? Jin must have noticed it, he croaked 'Please don't tell Tae. Please don-' some more of the same liquid. It was disgusting. 'Baek-shi, clean the apartment before he wakes up.' So he was at home. It was my duty to nod. So I did. They were gone and I was left with a dirty carpet, couch and stained washroom. Before he wakes up? The first rule of cleaning: let the room ventilate. I noticed the kennel was empty. No Yeontan. Why did they make me clean it then? 8:45 a.m. Okay! Carpet done. Washroom done. Couch? Laundry will take time. Should I hide it? No, he will search the whole house, it is Jin's new couch after all. Uhm, should I pretend something spilt? Nope! he will sniff it, like a son-like father.  This doesn't come with the job profile. They say that housekeepers know the best secrets. But why am I hiding it from the resident itself!? I heard the bathroom door. Shit! He is awake. Quick! Quick! I flipped it.  My hypertension was acting up.  The morning was stressful. Only until Jin-shi comes home. I promised myself. I hope he is alright. I will get a heart attack at this rate. What must have happened? And why didn't he want to tell Taehyung-shi?

For the next few days, I saw Seokjin-shi disappearing. His usual smile was gone. His visits to the guest washroom increased. So did the stains around the apartment and on his clothes. This made me wonder. Was Taehyung-shi acting dumb or did he not notice these things?  He was disappearing too. The atmosphere grew sullen in this apartment. Until one morning I opened the door to the smell of disinfectant. Floors squeaky clean. And no residents. For the next several weeks. I was tending to ghosts in this house. I had the media version explanation of my questions. And my hypertension was back. Seokjin-shi's brother verified my fears. And told me the tale. He looked so exhausted and drained the entire time. Why was I so invested in them? Because the kind soul had made it impossible to keep boundaries between personal and professional life. How could I not pray for the man who supported my grandson's education? Damn that Taehyung-shi, he doesn't deserve you. How could he do this to you? I hope you have the strength to endure the heartbreak, my son. I remember weeping at the end of the tale. 

Eight weeks later, a beautiful pearl white engraved envelope was handed to me. And a phone call. 

'Baek-shi! How have you been?!' His voice was happy again. 

'Seokjin-shi?' i asked. Unsure. 

'Yes! It's me! Tell me how have you been? How is your grandson?' he insisted. In an unsteady voice. Honestly, it just felt good to hear him. 

'I-I have been well. We both are.' I shook my head, shaking the daze away. 'How have you been, Jin-shi? I heard you had surgery.'

'Yes, I did.' he coughed. 

'How-how did it go?' i asked again. The staff lingered around my front door. 

'Well, I am talking to you.' His chuckle felt good. At least he still had the funny bone. However, broken it seemed. 'Baek-shi, thank you for worrying about me. I heard you prayed for me.' The man had always been polite and respectful.

'It was nothing. I go to the temple every day..' silence. 'When are you coming back? I will make you a tonic.' I promised him, feeling lighter. 

'Thank you. I would love that.' he paused. Was I not allowed to know when he is returning? The staff asked if the call was over, and I wondered the same. 'Baek-shi! we are getting married!' he spoke, rather huffed. Did I hear it right? 

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