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A/N: Dear readers, thank you for sticking around and reading this book. It took me longer than necessary to finish this part, I was moving countries and jobs so the book stayed on my laptop, forgotten. I am ending part one here, this chapter will take you to their wedding day (the longest chapter). It is a sad book, I know and I would never wish for such a fate on anyone. But it's a piece of fiction from my mind. Honestly, it has been quite stressful and this book had been my outlet. I have the story written further, but my creative mind wants to end this book here. Do let me know if you want part two. I will gladly share it, and I promise this time I will be regular. 

Author POV

Right indeed, the view was absolutely argument worthy. The sprawling white landscape spread out miles along! Simply sparkling in the mellow sunlight. Paradise. If this was the view from his window, then he wondered what it would be like from the rooftop. 'Stunning right?' Jimin's smug voice echoed in his quiet moment. He deserved to be proud, after working tirelessly to shift venues at the very last minute. Over the entire week, the usual short-tempered dancer patiently heard every single demand Seokjin put forth. Only heard. Because then he had to filter the practicality of each idea with either Namjoon or Hoseok. This became a prerequisite ever since Jin demanded a pair of white doves to be the ring bearers. Jimin had stress hair fall for two days while searching for vendors who would let loose their doves in the cold winds of the Alps. However magical the view was, it was after all snow, that was cold, very cold. This thought brought back the knots in his shoulder. What if something goes wrong? Taehyung habitually flexed his shoulders and broke his neck from side to side. And then cracked his knuckles. No wonder they were so sore. Two whole fucking days! His family and friends had managed to keep Jin out of his sight for two whole days. Jimin had even confiscated all of his devices. The absence of any communication with Jin, not even a glimpse of him was driving the young groom up against the wall. He was going to lose his mind if this continued for even a day longer. Cruel people, all of them! Even the doctors! All of this better be worth it!

'Kim Taehyung.' he felt a tap on his shoulder, a voice far away.


'Jin?! What happened to Jin?!' Taehyung blurted, suddenly dragged out of his thoughts. But Namjoon simply chuckled and shook his head.

'It's YOU!' Jimin scolded him across the room. The glass of champagne swirled in his hands with the way he spoke with his entire body. 'You moron! You were tapping your foot again! Relaxing massage, my foot! Not even a specialist masseuse can help you! Nobody can help you!' he exasperated.

Taehyung sighed. Jimin's words did not seep into his thoughts. He tried to tune out the voices, turning back to the view, but futile.

'You need to relax, Taehyung-ah!' Hyung-Sik Hyung's voice. 'Do you want a drink?'

'Taehyung-ah...Hyung is asking you something.' Namjoon, the one closest to him, tapped his shoulder again.

'Huh? Sorry.' His thoughts were disturbed again.

'I asked if you want a drink, it might help Hyung-Sik sighed, unamused.

'No, thank you. I need to stay alert.' Taehyung shook his head.

'And we are all asleep!' Jimin laughed, sarcastically. 'Taehyung-ah! You need to FUCKING relax! Your anxiety is tiring!'

'Then leave!' Taehyung barked at him. 

'Gladly.' Jimin stood with his drink. One glance at Namjoon's expression stilled him. 'On the other hand, I want to sit here a little longer.'

Taehyung felt immediate guilt wash over him for enjoying his best friend's quirkiness. 

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