Chapter 56

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Aimee twisted Ardour and the Daemon burst into fire, as a sudden piercing cry of sorrow and despair caused her to turn and see Ashley knock aside two Daemons, pushing through to reach the girl.

His cry of anguish ripped Aimee's heart in two. The girl dropped her arms submitting herself to Baal, who dragged his blade under her chin. Father Thomas's feline eyes were wide in anticipation, his hands holding the vile black liquid underneath, ready to catch the girl's blood.

I have failed...

Aimee lowered her weapon in surrender only to feel a sudden surge of holy energy behind the Altar. I thin line of electric blue slashed down and through Father Thomas's head, down and through Baal's wrists and flickered twice before disappearing.

For a moment the world appeared to stand still, Father Thomas's eyes turned to shock, then rolled to the back of his head and he exploded in pure blue flames. Baal's severed hands fell away from the girl's neck, the black blade still held in his hand.

It was only a heartbeat in time, but enough to give hope and rekindle her faith. Aimee raised her weapon and threw herself towards Baal. She moved in a blink of an eye, a white burst of energy straight for the Arch-Daemon, as Ashley scooped the girl up into his arms and turned his back, just as the crystal chalice shattered on the stone altar, splashing the hot vile liquid all over his naked back.

He screamed out in agony as Baal echoed his own torment, raising his severed arms in the air, black blood spitting out in fountains of goo. Aimee was within reaching distance, Ardour vibrating in celebration.

As the blue flames of Father Thomas's disintegrated body evaporated to fumes, the image of Liana materialised from the shadows, the neon fire of Lucerna in her hands. Her eyes burned in symmetry with her weapon, her holy aura pulsating through.

Liana shifted her weight and raised her leg and shoved the silver font, the force ripping the stone and metal from the floor to knock into Baal and pour the remaining black steaming liquid over him. His high-pitched squeals were horrifying and satisfying at the same time as the Arch-Daemon squirmed and writhed in pain. The substance crawled along his body, devouring him bit by bit, as it smothered him alive. The building rumbled and shook for reasons Aimee could not fathom.

"Aimee! Now! We need to strike him together and through the blood of Azrael, send him back and destroy the liquid abomination at the same time." Shouted Liana above the increasing noise around them.
Aimee nodded and lunged with Liana their Angel blades afire with pure holy energy.

Liana grimaced as Lucerna came down and through the open mouth of an anguished Baal. Aimee struck him through the heart and screamed triumphantly.

"For Leon!"

Both blades hit true, Baal was helpless and already pinned down by the growing liquid tar, but when both holy weapons struck, Baal's last cry was cut short and he ceased moving as if turned to stone. At that moment of petrification, the rumbling stopped leaving a cloud of hazy dust in the air. The overwhelming silence was unnerving, it felt wrong and Ardour and her sapphire, burned in answer.

"Leave it in, don't pull back, let the sword do its work," shouted Liana. Her voice was painfully loud, echoing around the chamber.

Aimee nodded and held fast and glanced over at where Ashley lay holding the girl cradled in his arms, rocking her back and forth. Bex and Tiff were alive and covered in Daemon blood, both their terrified stares focussed on her and Liana. Bex had a hand on what appeared to be the last surviving Gabriel soldier, a young girl, sitting on the floor, hood down large blue eyes staring off into the distance. The soldier would never be the same again.

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