Chapter 22

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Father Thomas peered towards the seated man and formally moved a hand in his direction.

"This is Father David, High Priest of House Raphael, my...colleague and trusted friend."

Emma stood behind this man's chair, her face blank and hard to read. Father David however, openly scowled at Ash. He studied Ash intently judging his worth, his deep green gaze cut into Ash like a knife, boring into his skull.

The Priest wore a beard cut close to his face, and had a mop of shaggy brown hair that fell across intelligent emerald eyes, the same shade as Emma's and Goldilocks, the odd girl earlier. It was difficult to judge his age, but he was no older than fifty for sure. Ash tried to gather his courage and hold the stare, but it felt as if the man read his thoughts and like Mother Luisa, opened him up to reveal Ash's wounded soul.

"Ah, no...I'm sorry. It's, just a lot to take in." Ash replied, dropping his eyes to the floor, his inner strength finally faltering.

Father David didn't answer and continued to study him. Ash blinked in surprise when the green-hooded monk that had followed him from the study brushed past to stand next to Emma. The blue stood to the side of Anna, but also a step behind. The yellow stood next to Leon. Aimee leaned casually against the fireplace studying her fingernails. Father Thomas shattered the tension weighing down on the room.

"I am also pleased to introduce to you our friend and trusted adviser Cardinal Philip, which by chance is visiting England on his way back to Rome from Ireland." Father Thomas indicated the man seated next to Father David. Ash recoiled in horror, at the fierce expression of hatred directed towards him. Even the crystal recognized the animosity and flared up burning like fire against his chest.

The Cardinal's entire body shook with uncontrollable emotion; his hands trembling as he fumbled for a gold pectoral cross, which kept slipping through his fingers and to his lap.

He was dressed traditionally in a long black cassock, scarlet fascia and zucchetto on his head. He was clean-shaven with full silvery hair fluffing out from his cap. He looked even frailer than the butler, but Ash could see the fire in his eyes, even if it was directed towards him.

Two younger men in similar clothes standing behind the Cardinal openly frowned at Ash and seemed in two minds on what to do about their superior's discomfort. One of them bent down and whispered in his ear, what looked like an attempt at calming the man. But the Cardinal swatted away the attempts and climbed to his feet, his eyes still piercing Ash's skull. He raised a shaking bony hand and pointed at Ash suddenly stepping forward aggressively. Ash reacted by stepping away to keep his distance from the crazy man.

"You do not belong here, you are not one of us, be gone, blasphemous, you must be cleansed, be gone, devil!" He brought the cross and plain wooden cross in Ash's face, chanting something in a different language. For a moment Ash thought he understood what the man said.

"Deus, in nómine tuo salvum me fac, et virtúte tua age causam meam...Deus, audi oratiónem meam; áuribus pércipe verba oris mei."

God save me, by your name, and by your cause. O God, hear my prayer; give ear to the words of my mouth.

His eyes seemed glazed, unreal, a madman's eyes. Ash was dumbfounded and looked towards his friends for help.

Emma openly scowled at the cardinal, ignoring Ash, but Aimee had made a step towards Ash but was stopped by a raised hand of Father David as Leon intervened, grabbing and spinning the red-faced cardinal away from Ash and gently directing him towards a door at the far end of the room.

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