Chapter 29

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Ash's stomach churned and he could taste this morning's breakfast on his tongue. Rose's grip on his arm became painful as she glared at Jayne.

Leon flashed one last concerned look at Ash before surprisingly glaring at Rose, and dashing out.

Everyone stared at Jayne, waiting, nervously fidgeting with a part of their clothes or with their hands. As the tiny pale witch prowled the class like a lioness.

"So!" She screamed, making the entire room jump. Ash expected the two Vatican boys to be on their knees praying, but instead, they openly smiled at Jayne and looked at her as if she was GOD itself.

Sadistic weirdoes...

"So the big blonde beach babe was showing you how pretty his eyes look...I would rather show you the darkness of the world you are training for."

She turned her back to the rest of the class and stared at Ash. Her icy gaze flared into the blue fire as she smirked at him. Rose suddenly released his arm and moved her body between him and Jayne.

Jayne's smile dropped and she glared at Rose.

"And you are?" she asked her fiery stare unchanging.

Rose just glared back, tense, poised, ready. Ash's throat was dry and for only the second time today, the crystal flared up against his skin. Something was about to happen and Ash cringed, knowing it was going to happen to him.

"Move Goldilocks, go and eat some porridge, I want to show the class how to defend against sword attacks...and brown eyes volunteered...didn't you." Her smile raised the hairs on his neck.

Ash didn't know if it was out of fear that he brushed past Rose or because the pain of the crystal against his skin gave him courage. Rose snatched his hand in the last attempt to stop him but he spun and gave her a weak smile, a smile of defeat.

Time to face your Demons, Ashley...or your latest nemesis...

He laughed, quickly biting his bottom lip as it came out as a frightened squeak, he sounded insane.

Maybe I am?

He gave her hand a parting squeeze and purposely leaned into Jayne to shove her aside. Well, that was his attention; instead, it felt like he ran into a brick wall. He staggered away, trying to keep as much dignity as he could including not rubbing his now bruised shoulder.

Jayne laughed, her high-pitched shrill forcing Ash to close his eyes, ready for the inevitable.

"Now class, give my victim, no sorry, my opponent some room...Now!" The class jumped and some of the girls screamed in fright, quickly shuffling away to cringe on the edge of the mat against the barn walls. This reaction only fuelled Jayne's ferocity, though Rose still stood firm, frowning at Ash, shaking her head.

"You don't have to do this," she said, her voice a welcoming chime in the eerie silence. Ash shrugged, knowing the outcome, but today he would not back down; today he will make his own decisions, however stupid it was.

Rose hissed at him in disgust and flashed a warning glance towards Jayne before the two Vatican goons leered up behind Rose. She didn't acknowledge their presence and folded her arms under her breasts. Some of the class tried to edge out towards the exit, but Jayne blocked their way.

"Leave and you will have to explain yourselves to Father Thomas!" It wasn't a threat, but a promise. They all moved back to their original positions, some openly peered at Ash with worried expressions, others were terrified, and two girls held each other and clenched their eyes shut.

Oddly Ash wondered how the pair were going to be Holy soldiers, such reactions would not be tolerated. He grinned to himself at his wayward thoughts. He was one of the biggest cowards that ever lived and he dared to judge others.

Jayne's bone-cringing giggle brought him back to reality like a kick between the legs, and Ash suddenly wanted to escape, running screaming for help at the top of his lungs. Instead, he gave the crystal one last comforting squeeze through his top and prayed that Emma was near to heal him if indeed Jayne decided to leave him alive this time. He steeled his stomach and gritted his teeth. Thinking of Emma gave him courage.

I will do it for her. I will be the man she deserves...

"Good. Now brown eyes, show the class a defensive stance, ready for a frontal attack."

Jayne tilted her head to the side like a bird of prey and waited.

Taking a deep breath, Ash visualized the lessons with Leon over the past weeks, lowered his stance, and moved his legs apart slightly. He raised his right hand and gripped the practice sword, remembering at the last minute not to release it from its sheath until he understood Jayne's intentions. He stood composed, trying to ignore the apprehension in the room. It was like a thick heavy fog, weighing him down and sucking away his newfound strength and mettle. Beads of sweat stung his eyes as the crystal desperately fought with him. He could feel it easing his muscles, flowing through his body and easing his mind.

Jayne's fiery blue gaze settled on his hand, lingering above his head before she spun and face the class again.

"Hand-to-hand combat is a necessary means for us to finish the job, as missiles...arrows often only disorientate or slow down the enemy...however, a handheld weapon can also be used as a missile...if thrown with correct force and location, as you will witness in my demonstration."

Jayne's voice dropped an octave, sounding more like a hyperactive child than a hyena as she moved around the class, staring from student to student.

Ash clenched his fist, released it, and clenched it again, releasing it repeatedly, keeping his hand supple. He adjusted his balance to the balls of his feet and switched his legs back and forth. If and when she decided to attack he would...

There was no warning, not an inkling of Jayne's movement and what happened next totally took him and the class by surprise.

All he did was blink...The next he was screaming out in agony, the purest form of shock and pain, his nervous system in overload, as shooting strikes of liquid fire burst from his hand and up his arm and into his brain. His legs gave way in horror as he stared at the white glowing weapon, sticking through his hand to the hilt, the blade glowing in pure white fire, hissing as his blood flowed down to drip onto the mat.

His eyes blurred as he peered up at Jayne standing over him, staring down her nose at him her face, expressionless, though her blue fiery gaze remained alive with energy. He turned to Rose for help and saw she had been pinned down by the two Vatican brutes and was franticly wriggling under their excess size.

"Oops," said Jayne pulling Ash's gaze back, flashing him a toothy smile, and Ash's world turned black...

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