Chapter 38

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"No don't! That's suicide!" Emma shouted, her eyes still burning in green fire. Liana shrugged and reluctantly moved to the window. Emma crouched next to Aimee, who was searching Leon's body for any poisonous or corrupt wounds from a hell blade.

Moments earlier as Aimee climb the stairs, an immense wave of holy energy reverberated from outside, just as her sister stormed in through the shed door, dragging a bloody and unconscious Leon. Emma now forbade them from going outside to search for the Daemon who had hurt him.

All four of them crowded in the small shed; Aimee tried her best to clear a space for the unconscious Leon, so Emma could perform her healing ritual. Liana fidgeted with her sword at the window, guarding the closed door, flashing troubled looks towards Emma.

"For the love of Raphael, why didn't you tell us it was an Arch-Daemon that killed the old woman?" demanded Emma, as she stared at the shattered remains of the bottom half of her staff. She threw it to the side; her green fiery gaze peering down at Leon in worry.

"That is why you hurt people Liana, Leon only survived because I knew he would not have left us venerable to attack, unless he was forced to. It took my entire Aura and some, to stop the Abomination from ripping him in half. And look at my bloody Staff, I've had that since the beginning and now it's gone, and all because you forgot to mention that a Juggernaut was prowling around!"

Aimee watched Liana, who rolled her eyes and gave Emma a hard stare.

"Now let's have a look at you my old friend," Emma said to Leon, her voice thick with worry. Aimee instantly felt the warm energy radiating from her, as she placed her hands on his forehead.

Aimee leaned forward to catch her sister's eye. "Emma, please let me go, I have to get to Saint Michael, something has happened there...I just know it," she begged. Aimee needed to go and find out what the hell was happening to her Order, her family...

Who would attack the Island? Who?

"Not now Aimee! You wouldn't last a second against that thing out there. Were you not listening? It's a Juggernaut for Raphael's sake," she snapped, moving her hands down to Leon's chest.

Aimee peered up at Liana who was still frowning at Emma, lost in thought.

"It wasn't the Juggernaut that killed Gladys, God bless her soul. It was a Sicarius, a shadow." Liana's tone was short and sharp.

"What!" Emma cried out in shock, Aimee grimaced at her friend, pondering why she had kept it to herself. Liana glanced at Emma again, studying her sister for a moment.

Why does she keep looking at her?

She peered up at Aimee, and their eye locked for a moment she opened her mouth to speak but closed it again. She turned away and let out a long deep breath.

"Come on guys; think... Juggernauts are all muscle and no brains. To infiltrate the house and kill Gladys right in front of me without me knowing, had to be a Shadow."

Liana stood up and glared at Aimee. "I still don't know why they are doesn't make sense to confront me here and now," she said, again her gaze lingering on Emma.

Does she suspect Emma?

"For the Love of Michael, Liana! No!" Aimee cried, standing up and clenching fists; she wanted to throttle her friend. Her sister would not be careless enough to lead the fallen here.

"Two Arch-Daemons! How...can you think that! How could she? Why would she do -"

"What! Do what Aimee? Get you killed...No I didn't think so. Me ...maybe. You just calm your holy ass down and listen. I scared the Shadow away...well, I hurt it, but this Juggernaut, is a new threat, it wasn't here earlier. But, this is my gig, my party and they are here for me. Though, the shadow is still out there...I should have prepared some holy ward to warn me. Shoulda woulda...bah, hindsight is a wonderful thing..." Liana's voice trailed off as she turned back to peer out the window.

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