Chapter 44

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"Give it a rest Rose! I'm not your lover, so will you stop-"

"Shh," interrupted Rose, glaring at him as she placed her ear against the oak door.

The next room lead to a back gallery and the house's grand staircase – she said. Ash didn't have a clue where he was, the dimness of the narrow hallway seemed to press in on him.

He knew that he hadn't seen but half of the Manor house, all interweaving halls, corridors and rooms and as Rose hinted, only what was above the ground. She wouldn't indulge anything further and just grinned at him. He stubbornly retorted at her, that he knew about a secret Chapel or chamber. She only huffed, unimpressed.

"Who do you think showed you the way, my lover."

"Huh, that was you? I...I thought it was...anyway, again, will you please stop that lover shit."

Why did she keep calling him that, it brought horrible shivers down his spine. He preferred the old Rose, not this, confident, smart-mouthed...bitch. With that particular memory at the forefront of his mind, other images pricked his consciousness. Was Rose the red-eyed fiend he had crossed paths with many times before? He shivered in horror.

No...I don't want to believe it...

He swallowed down the bile rising in his throat and stopped dead staring at her back as she disappeared into the darkness.

"It was you? You are the murderer, you killed Mrs Lockhart, you...and the guard."

Her head shot back through the doorway so fast that Ash bit down a strangled cry.

Was it his turn now- to die?

"OMG! Don't burst a blood vessel trying to be clever – lover. I am afraid it isn't one of your best vices. I may have done some pretty... bad things in the past, but these...those killings weren't me. And if I wanted to harm you, I would have done it centuries ago... lover! I was just watching you, keeping you safe."

Ash blinked at her, opening his mouth but choked on his words.

"C...centuries? I...never met you before here...anyway that is impossible, and keeping me safe?"

She moved in a blink, her hand tight around his throat while the other gently caressed his cheek. Those red feline eyes peered up at him with venom.

" See how you mess with my mind lover! Just like the old days! You are...such a wonder to me."

She suddenly hissed and growled, letting him go, Ash, coughed and tenderly touched his throbbing throat.

"I- I'm sorry Rose, but you are mental...You must have me mixed up with some other guy," he replied, only to snap his mouth shut in frustration as she continued to chatter to herself, completely ignoring him.

"You are so green, so innocent. A new babe...Bah - when our mighty lord was giving out brains, he obviously forgot love. Why would you think I would go and kill my master's eyes and ears? Who else do you think was keeping your old Papa informed on your welfare and all your comings and goings when you lived alone? No? Mrs Lockhart was the best and she only lost her life because she became too close, to you...well it is simply to say, she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and of no fault of her own...poor thing. Though I did warn her." She threw him a sly side look before turning away.

"In truth, I liked the old bat...except for her stale cakes...and that filthy excuse of a dog."

She glanced over her shoulder at him and frowned.

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