Chapter 46

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He watched Rose out of the corner of his eye as she looked towards the door to the study. Her delicate features aglow in the moonlight, its natural light cascading in through the windows to sparkle off her skin and setting her deep emerald eyes to burn in the darkness. He reached out to her, but she jumped up and walked to the door, leaving only air in his hand.

Her melodic voice pulled Ash back to reality.

"Come on lover, you still have to save the world - well your sister at least," she muttered shifting a sly glance in his direction.

Did she notice?

"So, stay close, and whatever you do, do not leave my side. Together we may have a chance against...this...evil." Her voice faltered at the word evil as if the word had never caressed her tongue before. She smiled at him, he grinned back, he was starting to relax in her company again, finding it easier to follow her and to do as he was told, than to oppose such terrifying power and strength.

He dropped her gaze and peered up longingly one last time at the moonlight seeping in through the windows in the hallway, hesitating for a moment, to fight the urge to run through the front door and never turn back.

Rose tapped his shoulder and placed a finger over her lips, indicating silence, as she lay her ear against the oak door. Ash frowned at her, unsure what noise he was actually making. Instead, he tried to focus on his breathing and calm his racing heart.

He reached out his senses into the next room and searched for any form of energy, or lifeforce, as Leon had taught him. Well tried to teach him. He mentioned the process to Rose earlier, but she just rolled her eyes and mumbled something unpleasant under her breath. So he didn't mention it again, nor have the courage to ask her opinion on a new throbbing sensation growing with intensity with his every step. His forehead was a continuous thud, attuned to another's heartbeat. It wasn't a headache but something deeper more profound.

"Listen here," she whispered and Ash opened his eyes and leaned against the door next to her where she indicated. At first, he heard nothing but his breath, then he caught a distinct shuffle or swishing of clothes. Someone was pacing back and forth. He looked at Rose who signalled him to step back. She blinked and her eyes became feline red, a crooked smile slipping on her face. Ash dropped his gaze in revulsion, still struggling with her true form.

She ignored him, as usual, and gently turned the handle, suddenly shoving the door with incredible speed and force. There was a grunt then a thud and she shifted into the room with unnatural speed. He slipped in after and found a Daemon guard lying on the floor, his chest rising up and down...alive.

"See no blood, no killing," she said tartly. He rolled his eyes, but she didn't wait for his reply and gripped his hand.

"This way," she said tugging him towards the left corner behind the enormous oak desk and away from a door on the opposite side.

It felt like years, not weeks since he had been in this room, left to rot, by Leon. He fondly remembered his first introduction to the woman whose hand he held right now. He grinned to himself.

"Not using the door, as it will be well guarded," she said nodding to the far corner.

"My way is hidden," she added, dropping his hand, her fingers rapidly searching a wooden corner unit. Ash heard a click then a soft scraping sound and a cool breeze kissed his face.

She grinned up at him, her eyes back to their natural green shade, sparkling mischief in them, enticing him closer. He fought off the urge to kiss her.

Those eyes of green... green-like...

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