Chapter 21

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The butler's calm demeanour cracked a few times when he thought Ash wasn't watching.

On the surface, he appeared to accept the monks around him, but the pure disgust that slipped on his face at times betrayed his stone-like features. At one time, so absorbed in avoiding the monks, Rogers knocked into Ash, nearly throwing him to the floor, only the quick reactions of the green monk saved Ash's blushes, slipping past and pulling him back to his feet. The speed and strength horrified Ash.

"Thanks," he replied. The Monk didn't respond, already back in their place, a silent guard again.

"Quickly," snarled Rogers, as if Ash had insulted him by getting in his way. Moving forward at a trot.

Ash followed, feeling more like an afterthought, a lamb to the slaughter, his guts churning and the crystal remaining like an ice cube against his skin.

As in response to his wayward thoughts, he noticed the monks tighten their guard a little closer around him, their hands were still hidden within their sleeves and the hoods hanging low over their faces. Not a sound came from the strangers who appeared to glide over the floor as if their feet were not touching the floorboards.

Following the butler from room to room, Ash noted the house had the same grim dark wood panelling, everywhere. The place was a maze. Ash would not be able to find his way back to the entrance of the house even if he managed to elude his three guards.

However, he smiled when he stepped into the last room, which ended up being his destination. Some pitiful attempts of colour were made to soften the room's dank look, a splash here and there from a rug or cushion and the odd vase of white lilies scattered around the room.

It was still not enough to liven up the place, everything seemed tired and old, very old with a heavy musky stale smell, it would not matter how many flowers were placed in the room, the walls would always feel like they were closing in on you.

Ash trailed a hand along a huge Grand piano as he walked past; he resisted the urge to touch the exposed white keys. The piano seemed out of place in the room. Long thick navy blue curtains hanging to the floor behind were tied back, opening out the large sash windows to the dark enclosure outside, or rather the continuous battering of rain and wind against the glass. He glanced back at the pattern on the curtains and what he first mistook as the feudalistic design, was actually golden Lilies. He then spotted the Lily design everywhere. In the intricate plasterwork in the ceiling, the wood panelling, and even the carpet. It was everywhere. He would ask Leon later.

As he turned away from the storm outside, his gaze fell on a large gathering of people, important-looking people, all their eyes focused upon him. He glanced at the enormous marble hearth next to the congregation; similar in design to the study but twice the size. It would need to be, to warm up a room of this magnitude.

The silence engulfed Ash, twisting his stomach and threatening the contents within. The crystal suddenly flared against his skin in sympathy, offering him support.

Or a warning. Shit, the crystal even knows I'm way out of my depth here.

He caught both Emma's and Leon's gaze, who gave him a reassuring smile; Aimee as expected stared harshly at him, her face passive if a little grim. He did not receive the same welcome from Anna and Jayne. Both gave him a cautious look, inspecting him as if a lab rat. He watched Jayne's mouth twist in a sick smile as she placed a hand on the shoulder of a man seated before her, and bent down to whisper something in his ear, her eyes remaining locked on Ash's. Instantly Ash knew who he was - Father Thomas.

There were a further five people in the room that Ash didn't recognize, and regrettably, the Goldilocks girl wasn't present. Why he thought she might be here, he didn't know, but he couldn't help feeling a little saddened at her absence.

He was jolted back from his musings as the Butler's voice boomed next to him, formally announcing Ash's arrival.

"Ashley Richards my Lords and Ladies," he said bowing low towards the group of people.

"Thank you, Rogers," said the man Ash had suspected as Father Thomas. His voice was soft and gentle, with a calming quality to it. He did not take his small beady eyes off Ash and kept a knowing smirk on his face as if Ash's presence amused him for whatever reason.

What had Jayne said to him?

He was clean-shaven and completely bald with wire-framed glasses, he did not seem to have eyebrows. His crooked grin changed into a full smile; however, the smile did not reach his emotionless dark eyes. He wore a monk's cassock but in pure white, trimmed in navy blue Lilies, shaped as he had seen all around the place. Straight away his posture and demeanour gave off an air of authority, so Ash was confident he was indeed Father Thomas.

"Good morning and welcome to the Order of Gabriel Ashley. I am Father Thomas and I do apologize for your wait and thank you for your patience. Nevertheless, you must realize that you are a very special case. A special guest. We do not normally allow outsiders into and there was a lot to discuss." His words lulled Ash and eased his nerves, a little.

But the eyes do not match his voice...

Ash's hand itched to hold the crystal smouldering under his top, and not knowing where to put them respectfully, he settled for behind his back in the end. At least it would prevent them from straying to his chest.

"Let me explain a little about our world, a world until recently, unknown to you...I believe." His smile dropped, and a shadow fell across his face.

"We are part of a secret army that fights against an ancient evil, an evil you are well aware of, but deny openly, as you deny the presence of God the almighty, whom we all serve."

He jumped up and spun, elegantly flourishing his robes opening his hands out and looking to the ceiling. Ash was transfixed; his eyes could not leave the man as he felt growing within, an undeniable warmth, a need to listen and to understand. His sister's crystal came alive, throbbing against his skin, burning in time with his quickening heart.

"This evil never sleeps and is rampant in your world, our world, and we must fight because you can't." He spun to face Ash and stepped up grabbing his hand and holding it, cradling it like a delicate flower.

"You and the unbelievers cannot fight, so we do, by God's blessing and his children's direction, so that you can sleep safely in your beds at night."

He paused and stared at him as if to ensure Ash understood what he was saying, or maybe to emphasise his speech. A tremendous flash and instant thunder crack shook the room adding more foreboding to his words. The edged of a smile itched on the priest's face, maybe because he felt Ash tremble, clasping his hand.

Father Thomas's eyes burned as if in a fever, his gaze dropping to Ash's chest, straight at the hidden crystal.

He knows...

Father Thomas briefly shut his eyes, a smile slowly growing on his face, as he spread his arms wide as if ready to embrace him, but twisted away at the last moment and shuffled over to the fireplace.

Ash felt like he had just walked into a Shakespearean play and this was one enormous joke, but when he surveyed the room, every expression was sombre, distant or in deep thought. Except for Jayne who was hopping from one foot to the other grinning in open glee at the priest.

"We discussed your future... with some friends of yours." Father Thomas glanced at Emma. "They believe you will want to join us, and save mankind." Father Thomas's eyes narrowed and his voice deepened, intimidating Ash a little in the end.

Ash swallowed down the bile in his throat and forced a smile, releasing his pent-up emotions and fidgeted again with his hands nervously behind his back, desperate to touch the throbbing crystal. It took all his strength not to, especially as he caught Father Thomas openly staring at his chest again.

"You find all this amusing?" growled a man sitting on a chair to Ash's left.

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