Chapter 33

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The door clicked shut and the rattle of keys answered straight after as she was imprisoned in her room...again.

Finally some peace, that man loved the sound of his voice, Father Thomas rambled on, lecturing her about betraying him, so like a Princess of the fairy tales she was locked back in her tower.

She often dreamed of her Knight, her Brother, somehow breaking down the door and whisking her away on a white steed, but the foolishness faded as the days passed into months. Sometimes it was her Father coming to her rescue, but those dreams stopped suddenly weeks ago. Recently it changed to a golden-haired girl with a cheeky grin and large green eyes, which changed to red. Though these dreams were often violent and Melissa always ended up spattered in blood, as the terrifying girl slaughtered her guards. Only yesterday she had dreamed that the guard's blood had changed to Daemon black.

And guess what has happened...these are visions...

Melissa sighed, brushing a hand along her bookcase and smiling to herself. As punishment a month ago, Father Thomas had taken away everything, all her books, papers and old sketches. Even her pretty dresses had been confiscated. But tonight he return them, as further retribution, so she could reflect on her sins and know they were there, but could never read or see them again. The blinding was horrible, she shivered at the memory. Father Thomas stormed in one day with a small wooden box with intricate little runes on it, tricking her to open it. The searing pain tore through her skull. She could only surmise it was another way for the High Priest to contain and control her. He was such an evil bastard.

Tonight she learned some more of Father Thomas's plans. He waffled and bragged all the time, the arrogant fool. She was a tool to something, but she still need to work out what. And her brother was a key to it all. Father Thomas truly dropped the nice guy routine tonight, so Melissa knew her time was running out. The High Priest feared someone, Ashley? No, someone else... but who?

Melissa leaned in against the door and listened for any movement or signs that someone was outside. It was as quiet as ever. She wasn't a risk anymore it seems, so no Guards were assigned to her room. Grinning, she gingerly touched the cut above her eye. It was already healed; the pain subsiding within seconds of acquiring her little secret gift.

Brother I love are wonderful.

She giggled to herself, leaving the blood on her face to hide the fact that she was now fully healed. It wasn't the right time to reveal her return.

She walked over to her nightstand and searched for the switch to turn it on. Blind, she had not needed to use it. She moved over to her window and closed her eyes tight. A sudden intense heat struck her eyes, causing her to lean against the window frame for support, but it subsided quickly and she opened them.

Like the sudden lifting of a heavy fog, images and shapes slowly materialized in front of her eyes, as her vision recovered.

Because it was still dark outside, the lamp gave off a soft yellowing glow against the glass in the window, and her face was magically revealed in the reflection. Despite her filthy, blood-covered appearance; she laughed and kissed her image in the glass in celebration. Overjoyed, she spun and absorbed the burst of colours in front of her. She wanted to focus on everything and anything, it didn't matter, her eyes were hungry, greedily eating her surroundings, how she missed it.

Glancing at her pathetic little cell was like a child in a sweet shop. It was exactly as she remembered, the same as the rooms the students slept in. A plain metal framed bed, though she had picked a flowery pattern on her covers, a time when Father Thomas was being nice to her. She grinned at the material in delight. Her eyes fell upon a desk with a heavy farmhouse chair, both made of dark oak, pushed against the wall opposite. It would be a cosy little room if she could add some pictures and some pretty curtains. But she did not intend to stay; not now her Brother was so close.

She skipped back over to her solitary window and peered outside, noticing a distant echo of gold on the horizon. She raised her hands against the glass and pushed her face up close, flattening her nose as she stared out at the slow-burning sunrise. Another magical gift from Ashley, his timing was magnificent. She was just thankful Father Thomas hadn't boarded up the windows again as he had just before he blinded her. The bastard had them removed so she could feel the sun's warmth on her face, knowing she would never be able to see it. But he forgot she still had her memories, and he couldn't take them away.

But not anymore, she was free, well, will be, soon.

As the sky brightened and the darkness fled, she was able to make out the garden below, the rolling farmlands, the leafy forests leading to Lake Derwentwater, and the mountains, looming up menacingly behind the town on the other side of the vast body of water. She was sure she could make just make out... Smoke?

The little chapel on the island in the middle of the Lake was burning. She closed her eyes and pushed her senses towards Saint Michael Island and snapped them open in horror as she felt the murder, the pain and the anguish. It seems Father Thomas had finally revealed his plans. Pondering this, she reached up to her neck and unfastened the chain holding her crystal, and studied the beautiful magenta colour, and deep vein patterns, all through the stone.

Ashley had given her the one gift she had craved, ever since her abduction and the murder of her mother. She somehow had lost it during the attack and explosion. Melissa had always known it was an important part of who she was, and who she will be again. As soon as Ashley slipped it into her hands, hope returned and the energy pumped instantly through her body, healing and soothing her injuries and most importantly the emptiness of her soul.

She heard the rattle of keys in the lock and smiled, looking at the door in the reflection of the window. It swung open and a hooded dark-clad figure slipped into the room without a sound.

She is good, very good indeed...

"Hello and welcome...friend," she said to the intruder. The person jumped at her voice or maybe her choice of words, but as soon as they saw her they scampered over and bowed their head low kissing the floor near her feet.

"I have come to serve as was written in the book of Camael, my Lady," said her rescuer. Melissa remained facing the window.

Interesting choice of words, it could only mean one thing...or rather someone...

Melissa knew what face was hidden within that hood. She raised an eyebrow in wonder.

How the mysteries of life move...

"If you have come to save me, Isabel, then it will have to wait. There is a change of plans. I have another task for you," said Melissa, glancing down at the hooded figure. "Forgive me, it is good to see you...after such a long time, but pleasantries must wait as we are out of time."

Isabel, her old friend didn't hesitate, knowing the task and its importance, and slipped away into the shadows, reluctant to leave Melissa, but not to fulfil her command.

Melissa looked back up and stared back at the distant flumes of black smoke and clenched the crystal tightly in her hand. The stone vibrated within her grip in response to the slow-burning anger, gradually building inside. Melissa made a vow, to the stone to the rising sun and God. That she would continue the task set to her by the mighty Lord and refuse to forget or even let the memory of her Mother's death be in vain. She died saving her, as she should be, to save mankind...

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