💠 Chapter 1💠

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Bakugo's POV I knew it was bad

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Bakugo's POV
I knew it was bad. I knew every Single bit of it was wrong. I was literally breaking the vow that made to her that day of our wedding and yet she still stood by my side through it all.

"Baby? What are you thinking about?" Asked my wife as she looked at me curiously. For a moment, for a millisecond, her shining smile faltered as she saw the small hickey on my neck. I saw the pain in her eyes, only for it to be disguised by a fake smile.

"I'm just....thinking...." I replied continuing  to eat the dinner she had prepared for me this evening. "I asked what you're thinking about, not what you're doing sillly." She giggled.

"I'm just a bit tired after work, that's all." I said. I looked towards her eyes and I know that she didn't believe me she knew that there was much more then work on clouding my mind. I came home much later than usual. Despite me telling her not to wait for me, she stoked up until 3:00 in the morning.

Waiting for my return she was drained and I could see in her face and she was on the verge of collapsing. "You should go up and rest." I said "I'll wash the dishes." She looked at me hesitantly while biting her lower lip befor nodding her head and making her way up the steps, leaving me alone in the dining room.

When did this get this far? Why can't I stop? When did I begin to hurt her?!

All I could remember from the first night is going out to the Club to get a few drinks as I was stress from hero work and not wanting to go home just yet, I then had a few drinks too many and then waking up in a unknown bed with a known women. I should've stopped! I should've cut all contact with her after that night! But...I didn't..... I did the opposite in matter fact I contact her more. And continue returning to the bed of that woman.

Ochako Uraraka she was the bartender at the club I usually go to, she always made my drinks just because of her I kept going to the club I would lie to y/n and say I was staying at work and she would always Believe me and never object.

A/n: Uraraka did not become a pro hero she stayed in helped out with her parents.

She always trusted me even when I did tell her the semi truth about my whereabouts I once to told her I was going to the club with the guys she simply said OK have fun there were going to be countless women wondering around in skimpy outfits and yet she still trusted me wholeheartedly and yet I betrayed her.

I could still remember the heartbroken expression on her face when I came home the morning after. I could still remember the number amount of notifications that we're on my phone from unanswered calls from that night I could still remember the words she told me.

"Hey, honey welcome home how your night out with the guys?" It was the fact that she didn't show any anger or hatred towards me what had convince me to do it again it's like I wanted a reaction out of her? And after all, as much as hate to admit it, I enjoy the night with Uraraka.

I sighed in frustration as I carried the empty plate towards the sink, washing and drying it before putting the dishes away, then turning off all the lights within the house then I made my way towards our bedroom.

There she was, curled up on her side of the bed. Instead of the cheerful expression/smile she usually has that I hadn't seen for a while instead I saw a broken woman with tears stains on her face as she was hugging the pillow. She was now asleep, but the evidence of tears being there with her was enough to make me frown.

My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room just as about to climb into bed I notice an object along with an envelope the bedside table. Turning on the lamp, l picked up the envelope and open it to see a letter in it decorated with Beautiful
and neat handwriting.

'Dear Katsuki

Happy fourth anniversary, my love! I'm sorry I had to leave early this morning for work.. I don't even know why I'm even writing this you're probably not gonna even see it anyway since you have been very busy lately but if you do happy anniversary and I hope you enjoy your gift!

ℒ𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒴/𝒩

My heart pinched as I read it as she had the thought I wasn't going to see it, after a couple realization my hands flew to my phone as I checked the date. June 13th. 3:33 in the morning yesterday was our anniversary and I hadn't seen her not once yesterday Instead, left the house for work and spend the rest of the evening in another woman's bed only to come home the morning after. My eyes left my phone screen and flitted towers her sleeping body. I reached over for the object on the table it was a watch covered with diamonds it was the one I wanted ever since I was kid.

My mind echoed with thoughts of regret and gratefulness. Regret towards hurting her and not being able to spend our anniversary together and Greatfulness for her continuing staying with me.

'I'm disgusting. Terrible.  I am everything that she doesn't deserve!'

A/n PS I do not ship Bakugo and Uraraka it's just for the sake of the story!😌

Chasing what's not there anymore. Cheater Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now