💠Chapter 12💠

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Y/n's POV

It was four in the morning when I woke up as I then got dressed and Scarlet dressed as well, I went to the kitchen with Scarlet to get some coffee.

The fit❤️‍🔥

(A/n obviously this is not what you look like this is just what the outfit looks like and her new hairstyle so enjoy)

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(A/n obviously this is not what you look like this is just what the outfit looks like and her new hairstyle so enjoy)

Yeong was already up and drinking her tea as I went to say good morning.

"Good morning Yeong!" I say as she jumped making me snicker. Then I take in her outfit it was a black sweatsuit and her brown hair was in a bun like mine.

"Good morning, to you as well here I made your coffee already and put your stuff in the car so we can leave after you put Scarlet in the baby carrier." She said as she handed me the lavender mug.

I had fixed Scarlet into a position where I could drink my coffee while holding her. The warm liquid tasted delicious as I finished it in two gulps as Yeong looked at me like I was crazy or something. I put the mug in the kitchen sink as I went to get the baby carrier.


Now, in the car, as we were only a few minutes away from the airport as Yeong has music playing but it was low and it was still dark out but it was nice!

"Hey, are you sure you want to go back?" Yeong said as she looked at me for a second and then back to the road, I rolled my eyes she has been doing this since I told her that I was going back to Musutafu.

"Yes, Yeong, and we are going to be fine and if I need to leave early I will call you," I said to her as I looked down at MY daughter as she sleeps.

"Okay, but if something does go wrong and he does something I will be down there faster than the speed of light! Do you hear me!" She said as we pulled up to the drop-off driveline at the airport.

"Okay, Yeong I get it, but I can protect myself and my child I used to be a hero, you know," I said as I got out of the car and went to get my stuff. As Yeong followed me as she helped.

"Yes, I know that Y/n but still I worry for you and Scarlet, but I going to back down and leave you alone with it, but just know I will always be protected of you as you are always going to be my little cousin," She said while looking me in the eyes, making me smile.

"I know that Yeong, I will always love that part of you now I have to go as my flight is going to leave soon, thank you for driving me here and I love you and drive back safely okay and I'll see you soon!"  I said to her I hugged her and then put my duffel bag over my shoulder and carried Scarlet's stroller in my hand.

A/n's POV

Y/n had entered the airport and went to the Security check that went by quickly as she showed them her hero license, she then went on the plane as she had first-class.

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