💠 Chapter 10💠

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A/n's POV

Y/n and Yeong, Adaline we're at the hospital, y/n was quickly rushed into a room. As Yeong was walking back-and-forth in the room more scared than her cousin.

Y/n had called and texted some important people such as the squad and AJ and Elissa who all said that they were going to be there! She had also called her parents but they were too busy to come at the moment but she said it was all right when she gives birth she'll go back to Japan to show them the baby but in disguise of course!

Meanwhile back in Japan

AJ had gotten her call when she was in the middle of killing someone as they had stolen money and sold some information about her and her mafia gang. She had them pinned down by the throat as her bodyguards blocked anyone from coming in or out.

"It's kind of funny to think, that you thought that you were going to get away with what you have done!"

"P-please I'-m-m sor-ry do-n't h-urt m-e!" They said well they tried as her hand was squeezing their throat as they talked

"You should've thought of that bef-" she didn't get to finish due to her phone

*Ring, Ring, Ring!*

She sighed heavily as she then said
"Goddamnit who is calling me right now out of all times." She pulls down her phone from her jacket pocket. As she then read the caller ID as it said Cutie🥺💖 as that's what she calls her she quickly picked it up!

"Hey, cutie I'm in the middle of something right now what's up!"

"Oh nothing just in the hospital about to
Give birth so if you want to come by I am in hospital XXXX and in-room431!"

"On my way!"

She as said as she hung up the call and just told her guards to take them to the basement room as she was gonna do with them later, she hopped on her motorcycle!

She called for a personal jet to get to Korea!

Meanwhile, Elissa had got in her call while she was watching her favorite tv show Dollface as a new episode came out tonight! Once she had heard her phone buzzed as she got out of her blanket to see the caller ID to see it was Y/n, My baby, 💖.

"Hey, N/n what's up?!"

"Umm, nothing much just about to give birth!!!" She yelled making Elissa's eyes widened


"Yeah, so if you want to come to Korea I am in hospital XXXX and in-room431 and yes AJ already knows!"

"Okay, I am on my way!" She said as she pulled out of the lavender blanket.
"I guess I'm just going to have to record it and watch it tomorrow!"

"Hey Siri! Record the new Dollface episode at 22:45pm

"Okay, Setting timer to record at 22:45pm"
Mini Time Skip

Now that everyone was now there Elissa and AJ had gotten their first, they got to go into the room where Y/n was at.

Only to see her sweating like bullets and she had on the hospital dress on it was so big on her! It was funny. Elissa decided to speak up first.

"So what are you doing to name he-" Before she could finish the squad entered in as Elissa and AJ looked at each other, and then back at Y/n. As they then started communicating in their secret language.

As both Elissa and AJ Stepped out of the room to go talk to her cousin and her wife, as they left the room the squad ran up to Y/n.

"Omg, Girl the minute we got your call we rushed out that hero meeting and came here as fast as we can!" Mina said as she went next to you.

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