💠 Chapter 8💠

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A/n: Credit goes out to Artist: @Sh0d03 of this character, go follow them on Instagram!

Passenger- Let her go "0:35 ━❍──────── -4:20,               ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 10000%"

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Passenger- Let her go
"0:35 ━❍──────── -4:20, ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 10000%"


A/n's POV
The news about y/n aka Number fourth pro hero crystal light had left to "America" had spread like a wild fire!

This became the talk of Japan no matter where you looked there it was it was on all social media platform and on every talkshow every interview the other Pro's had that had came up especially with the Ground Zero as he was indeed her Ex-Husband of course, but they never really got anything out of him if anything they got an explosion into their faces or a "MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!"

And how she just deleted all her social medias The minutes she left the country, Little did Japan know that Crystal light herself was watching this all unfold as she decided to cause a little more mischief to stir the pot more, she had made a Secret fan account of herself and posted,
Just right after she posted it she got tons of notifications on it as she smirked herself as she turn off her phone and got up from the bed to get ready for the interview she had planned, Little did she know a certain hothead saw the post him self and let's just say he needs a new phone....

Bakugo's POV

I had just came back from my nightly patrol as I was now back at my big lonely empty house as I didn't even want eat something tonight again as I just go straight upstairs, Just takeoff my hero costume put on some sweat pants as today the old hag and the old man came to my Agency and started yelling mostly the old hag at me for letting y/n go.

They then both asked me why did I let her go I then eventually told them the truth, after I did I looked up to them after I heared the silence they both had a look of shock and disappointment.

"So you're say that I'm going to have a grandaughter and I'm not be able to meet her when she's born or spend time with her because you decide to go cheat on your wife, some girl who works at a club!" I had thought about what My old hag said to me as change into the black sweats as then plopped up myself on my bed as I reached over for the pillow with my wife's shirt on it.

'Yeah I'm not going to see my onw daughter too you know you damn hag!'
I thought to myself as I was now looking through Facebook as I getting tons of notification from there and every other social media platform and that's when I saw it!

The post that was the truth why y/n and my unborn daughter! Left me!
And yet someone from the public found out! How and who was this girl and how told her and how did she found out the truth?!

Chasing what's not there anymore. Cheater Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now