💠Chapter 13💠

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Y/n's POV
It was noon as I was getting ready to meet up with the squad at the cafe I had already gotten Scarlet ready as she was with my parents downstairs as they were probably taking hundreds of thousands more pictures of her and sending them to their friends,

I playfully rolled my eyes at the thought of it but it makes me happy to know that they are having fun with her, I wished it could be like that with both of her grandparents but I will have to think about it, a little bit more I was now looking in...

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I playfully rolled my eyes at the thought of it but it makes me happy to know that they are having fun with her, I wished it could be like that with both of her grandparents but I will have to think about it, a little bit more I was now looking in the mirror to fix anything as I had on an all back outfit, as I grabbed the black mask of the dresser and put it on as I walked out of the room and downstairs.

(A/n: Picture on the top!)

"Okay, mom dad, I'm going to head out now, so I am going to need my daughter back," I said to them, as my dad had Scarlet in his arms as I was taking a selfie with all of them in it! As this made my heart melt!

They turned around to face me as I pulled down my facemask as they looked at me then my mom said.

"Sweetheart you look fantastic!" She said as she came to me making me smile!

"Aw, thanks, mom! I tried not to look too flashy, you know!" I said as she nodded her head as my dad put Scarlet in her baby carriage carefully.

As for me and my mom, we walked to the front door and she looked serious as she whispered.

"Are you sure you want to be going out what if he might see you?" She said worriedly making my heart clench as my mom has always been the worrying type.

"Yes, mom, I promise I will be on the low, and it's just going to be me and the squad he won't be there, and they're not even with him today and if something goes wrong, I'll handle it like a grown independent mother that I am!" I said, reassuring her as she looks at me still with a worried look but then let out.

"Okay." Then my father comes along with the baby carriage as it has my child in it, I thanked him as I took over and said my goodbyes and tell them that I will be back soon!

As I was going to walk there as it was a nice day today and the cafe wasn't that far from my parent's house it was like a 20-minute walk. I had taken my phone out and texted Mina that I was leaving!

A/n's POV
After a few minutes, you had arrived at the cafe it was a small but cute cafe no one was inside as it was a Monday evening, and people are more likely to be working at that hour, as you enter the little golden bell rang as you immediately felt the coziness. You saw a bubble gum pink hair as you quickly walked over to the table.

"Mina!" You yelled as she turned and looked at you with shock! As you took off the facemask and put it in your back pocket.

"Y/n! You look badass! Oh my god!" She said as she could not stop looking at you as you sat down and fixed the baby's carriage so it wasn't in the way for anyone.

"Thanks, Mina!  You look badass as well! You always did!" You said as she then look at the carriage to see bright crimson eyes looking at her as she melted like butter!

"Aweee Y/n! She's gotten so big so fast! Can I?!" She said while looking in the carriage and then back at you waiting for your permission to hold her!

"Mhm!" She then quickly but gently took out the baby and held her as her golden eyes were filled with joy and happiness!

"Aww, She's soooo cute!" She said while making funny faces at Scarlet! As you giggled,

"Yeah, I know right I love her so much!" You say as you watched Mina play with your daughter you then take off your jacket and fold it up and put it at the bottom of the carriage.

"Yeah, I know right I love her so much!" You say as you watched Mina play with your daughter you then take off your jacket and fold it up and put it at the bottom of the carriage

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As the time went on the guys had gotten there and enjoyed the baby and Sero begged you to tell him what's Elissa's favorite things so he can get them for her as they have been hanging out a lot.

You made a mental note in your head to tease Elissa with this when she sees her tomorrow night as she and AJ we're going to Elissa's family restaurant! It was getting late as the squad needed to go back to work or start.

"Bye! N/n it was nice to see you again! Get home safely!" They all said as they went their spread ways but what they all didn't know was that someone was watching and texting to someone the whole time....

Bakugo's POV

I was over the fucking moon! She is back! MY wife and daughter are back in Japan!

I zoomed in on the picture that was sent to me Y/n had changed she had new hair and it was black, I know that Y/n isn't stupid that's was one of the many reasons why I fell in love with her she didn't dye her hair that color because she wanted too she did it because she knows that I don't like girls with black hair!

But I have news for it doesn't matter what hair color, she has she will be mine again and we'll be a happy little family like how she always wanted!

And my baby daughter looks just like me, oh I can't wait to hold her or my wife and be the best husband and father ever! As Y/n will not be leaving this time! I looked at the picture one more time as I kissed the screen
"I love you Y/n, and we'll be together again soon!"

As I then locked my phone as I went to bed with the biggest smile on my face!


They knew! They fucking knew I was looking at the video that was sent to me as I see Y/n and the dumbasses talking and laughing it up while holding MY child that I have not been able to hold or even meet yet and she lets them! Hold and meet her!

My blood was boiling! I clam down a bit, as I focused on what my wife was wearing she had on a silky black spaghetti strap top with some black leather pants that hugged her lower body so well, that I was biting my lips,

"I can't wait to feel you again my dear wife, and I won't let you go....you'll stay with me forever! We'll meet soon I'm sure of it!" I said as I started to grin!

A/n: Should I be studying right now? Yeah, I should! But I have been studying all week and all day so a little break won't hurt anyone right? Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I'll see you all in the next one! P.s it's the last one! But bye bye!

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