💠 Chapter 4💠

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Y/n's POV"Okay Eli stay here while I go pack I'll be quick" I said as I got out her purple and black Roll-Royce

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Y/n's POV
"Okay Eli stay here while I go pack I'll be quick" I said as I got out her purple and black Roll-Royce.

"Yeah sure! Now go and hurry up AJ is almost at airport!" She said

'Yeah I'm leveling him, I tried giving up my hero license but that sort of backfired as they gave me an international emergency hero license'

I sighed as I opened the door our no his house and stepped inside. Noticing the emptiness I frowned. He's probably with her his patrol had ended nearly an hour ago.

I brought the new lillys to the black vase on top of the table. I lifted the wilted ones out of the vase and Replace them with new ones.

What ever happened to fining 'the one' what happened to happily ever after? What happend to true love? I guess The people were right about True love being a load of bullshit!

I walked up the steps and made my way toward the closet and just started taking out my things. I kept my suitcase nestled in a corner of the closet. I only need one... I don't plan on taking too much anyways. I opened it and laid it on the bedroom floor and put my clothes neatly inside. I wasn't scared or worried that he might catch me leaving he probably won't even return probably until the next day. I finish storing my clothes befor finding my laptop and placing inside as well. As and then zipped up the luggage.

Looking around the room, at all the photos of us we had made throughout the years we have been together. Dating for four years....and married for four more..... when did I stop being good enough? I continue to look around as I spotted my favorite picture of them all. It was a picture of us on our first ever day we had went to a Ramen shop. I smiled but then quickly frowned.

"Crystal Circulum" I said as the whole picture got covered with black and red crystals as I then smashed it on the floor as I watched it shatter, and smiled bitterly. I quickly found piece of paper and pen, putting together a note for him. Setting down the writing utensil, I pulled off the ring on my finger. I stare at it for a while and set it down next to the note, then picking up my phone texting my cousin that was in Korea as saying that on my way over there now.

She quickly replied back saying okay can't wait to see you! As I put my phone in my pocket of my black jacket that I had put on top of the dress and then grab the handle of the suitcase.

Taking a final glance at our no his house I exited the door and made my way back to Elissa's car, she had pop open the trunk as I put my suitcase in it and getting into the passenger seat.

"Finally I thought you were about to change your mind and I was going to drag you out of that house if you did."

"No, I wouldn't do that I'm tired of this."

"Good but we have to hurry AJ is at the airport already!" She said as she pulled out of the Driveway and started driving towards the airport.

While she was driving I had texted the Bakusquad but without bakugo in the chat telling them that I was leaving for good to America and that it was great having them as friends and hopefully one day we could see each other again.

After I sent that I had to turn my notifications off as well as my ringer as my phone was going ballistic, we had arrive to the airport she had parked in the drop off parking lot as AJ's car was there aswell with her sitting on it waiting for us.

"Yo AJ!"Elissa shouted getting her attention and she hopped off the car and walked towards as well mostly me

"Oh sweetie hi!" She said as she hugged me for a little bit before she pulled away. "Are you ready?" She question as I nodded my head.

"Okay,then you said you're going to Korea right do you have any place to stay?!" She said

"Yeah do you have any place to stay do you need money I don't mind giving you money you know!" Elissa said joining Aj and her mother hen mode.

"Guys I'm fine I have a place to stay I'm staying with my cousin and her wife, until I can get on my feet over there."

"Okay good!"they both said

"Then I guess this is goodbye for now." AJsaid as she looked down.

"Yeah she's right and remember don't be a stranger keep in touch with us okay and keep us updated with you what!" Elissa said she may seem like the party animal of our little friend group but she can seriously become the mom of the group.

"Yes yes I know I will keep you guys up-to-date with the baby"Yes you heard right I'm pregnant and yet he dose know at least not yet

"You better but you start heading off now you don't wanna miss your fight!"Aj said as I looked at the time on watch,

"Shit you're right I'll call you guys when I get to my cousins house love you guys bye!" I said as pulled my hood up, so people don't recognize me,

"BYE!" They both yelled making me chuckle.

I enter the actual airport part, as I began to go through the necessary procedures. Once I through with security, I found a bench near my gate and sat down. The airport was busy with people walking back and forth, I sighed as the happy couples walking past. We used to be like that...Shaking my head, I quickly remove all those thoughts from my mind. It was no ues on dwelling on what's about to be the past in a few minutes.

I've already contacted my lawyer soon enough he'll receive the divorce papers and we'll be done. Soon I won't have to fake a smile anymore he can be happy with the one he loves now without going behind my back to do it!

Soon enough but yet soon enough seems so far away from from my reach.

Chasing what's not there anymore. Cheater Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now