💠 Chapter 5💠

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Bakugo's POV Getting into my car, I set the bouquet in the passenger seat

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Bakugo's POV
Getting into my car, I set the bouquet in the passenger seat. I know this is not even nearly enough, I still had other places to go to. Just as I was about to exit out of the parking lot of the mall, my phone started ringing I rolled my eyes at caller ID before answering it.

"What the fuck is it shitty hai-"

"Y/N IS GOING TO AMERICA!" He yelled from the other end of the call he was so allowed that I had to move the phone away from my ear to save my eardrums from eardrum damage, I then quickly process what he just said!

"What?" I question him as I just saw her not to long ago. "What The fuck are you talking about I just saw her like a couple of hours ago?!"

"Bro no she had made a new group chat without you saying that she's leaving for good to America and that it was great having us as friends and hopefully one day we could all see each other again! And I have no idea if she left your house yet! Mina has went to the airport to hold her back in case she has got their already!" By then I had put the phone on speaker and I was already on the road towards our house! Speeding down it as my heart racing faster than the worlds fastest racing car in a race!

Kirishima's word's through the phone had become a background noise as everything that I had done hurtling towards me like a ton of bricks. She deserves to leave me. She deserves to find someone better then me! She deserves it all of it, but I don't want it she's mine! And only mine and I want her to stay! Stay here with me!

I had parked outside of our house and exiting out of my car before swinging the door open!

"Y/N!"I called out for her but no response. My first instinct was to run up to our bedroom. I looked around the room for her personal belongings but none in sight their were gone as I walked further into the room I stepped on something that made a crunching sound I looked down to see a piece of a red and black crystal! I quickly bend down to pick it up as this is y/n's doing from her quirk.

As I looked closely at the crystal their was something in like some kind of Picture of some sort I quickly see more crystals I quickly pick them up and put them together on the bed as I then see it was our first date picture! I then looked around one more time only to see it was only pictures that were left of her.

I ran downstairs and searched the bottom floor knowing that she wasn't going to be there anyways. Entering the dining room I noticed the bouquet she had bought earlier.....Artificial...Beside the vase was an slip of paper. And sitting on top was her ring. The gold ring that I had slipped on her finger we had said our vows. The same exact vows that I had broken. I looked down towards paper.

Dear Katsuki
I'm sorry. I can't lying to myself no more it hurts! And I can't keep living like this any longer. I'm tired of waking up to empty bed in the morning, I'm tired of returning to empty home. I'm tired of see the marks on your neck. I'm tired of pretending everything is alright I'm pretending that I'm happy, I'm tired of everything I just want it all end even if that means leaving you, I don't know if you have noticed or maybe not you're never around me anymore anyways but have you ever notice the small bump? I've been pregnant for theer and half months now. As much as I would've wanted for you to see her, I'd rather not her through the pain of living in a broken messed up family like I did. In the end it losing a father is much worse than having one in the first place, Isn't it? I hope you have a happy life with her and please treat her better than treated me, and this is good bye forever.

ℒ/𝓃 𝒴/𝓃.

Tears streamed down my face as I finished reading. No...I ran out the front door, paper and ring in hand. No! I started the car again and drove towards the airport. No this isn't fair. You can't just leave like this! You can just tell me that you have my daughter growing inside of you and then runaway! You can't do this to me! I pasted every red light not caring about the ticks right now. Please you have every right to leave! But don't think I'll be able to take! More tears begin to fall as I found myself in fucking traffic!

My phone rang and I reached towards it with shaky hand, hoping it was her as I read the seen, my hopes were shattered.

"BAKUGO! Where are you Mina got her to miss her flight but she got a new ticket for the next one! You have a less than an hour! We're are you man!" Yelled Kirishmia as this was the first time he ever yelled at me at the serious tone.


"Do you not care?!"

"Of course I fucking care!" I yelled as he was getting me mad.

"Then get there!" He yelled back.

"I'm stuck in fucking traffic Kirishima!"

"You're seriously going to let the traffic hold you back??" His Voice was filled with anger as he spoke. " Wow man if so then I should have convince her to date Shoto instead of you then you are worth her!" After speaking, he hung up, letting the silence consume the car. He's right! I looked out the window in search of some thing to get to her. My eyes widen as I saw a guy with a motorcycle talking to a girl!

I quickly get out my car and ran towards them.

"I need this man! You can use my car!" I said as I jumped onto the motorcycle leaving two confuse people behind me as speed away! Please...stay with me y/n!

Chasing what's not there anymore. Cheater Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now