💠 Chapter 6💠

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Y/n's POV"Mina, you still haven't explain why you are trying to stop me from leaving

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Y/n's POV
"Mina, you still haven't explain why you are trying to stop me from leaving." I suddenly said as I was getting upset that she's trying to hold me back as this was probably Kirishima's doing.

"Well maybe your just leaving without a-" I stoped her mid-sentence as she didn't know.

"I do have my reasoning and I let myself miss my previous flight because we haven't talked in a while." I said "And I don't plan on missing the next one!"

"Okay that's fine I won't hold you back but can you please tell me at least why are you leaving?!" She said as I just sighed

"He has been cheating on me Mina for past four months!" I said as she look so shocked.


"Yeah and not too long ago it was our anniversary and he didn't show so he certainly won't show now he probably doesn't even care he's with her right now and I can't keep smiling and saying everything's okay it's not good for my mental health or my child"

"....child...?" Breathed out Mina. I nodded my head as I put my hand on my stomach

"So if you're going to stop me I won't hesitate and use my quirk on you."

"I'm not planning to anymore." She said making me look at her.


"I said I'm not going to stop you! Go ahead and make him suffer but just don't be a stranger to us!" She said as she grabbed my hands and interlock them, as I nodded my head and then said.

"But Mina please don't tell him that we keeping in touch, I just want him to be happy and for myself as well."

"Yeah for sure 100%!" She as I then looked at the time on my phone. Only five minutes left until I leave everything behind and start fresh in Korea!

As then on the speakers announce my flight number was letting people boarding on the plane! I then tightly hugged Mina as I grab my luggage started walking towards the gate I let mostly all the other people go first as I didn't wanna be the first one on the plane. Right when the last person went on I went on as well.

As then the flight attendant closed the gate door but then I heard his voice! I turned around to see that he was indeed here.

'No this not fair he's not supposed to be here he supposed to be with her! Not chasing after me!'

He then noticed I was looking at him through the gate window as he then ran up to it and started banging on the door saying for me to come out, as I simply just shook my head as a no and I looked at him directly into the eyes I felt like if it's only me and him in the world in the world had just stopped and turned completely blank like if we were in all white room with a clear unbreakable glass between us.

I then smirked a little did a little wave goodbye as I turned around on my heels and continue boarding onto the plane, as he continued to bang and shout stuff at door.

'Goodbye Bakugo Katsuki this is for the best I hope you have your happily ever after now.'

Bakugo's POV
Once I got to the airport I hopped off the Motorcycle as I pushed my way through the crowd of people as I got to the security as I just showed them my hero license as they then just let me in as I continue running as I finally got the actual airport area.

I started looking around frantically for a pink skin girl or a s/c girl there was none in sight as I walked down a little bit finally see Mina a quickly run over to her.

"M-Mina where is she!" I said as I looked around not seen my wife anywhere! Mina then looked down making me freeze at what she said next

"She left I couldn't stop her I'm sorry Bakugo."

'No....God please no!....please tell me this is some kind of sick nightmare!'

"Which gate did she board on!" I yelled at her as she then pointed to the gate in front of us.

I quickly went up to the flight attendant who was had took the tickets from the people who boarded on that plane.

"Yeah hi lady I need you to let me on that plane my wife is in there!" I said to her as she just sighed as she chewed on her gum and looked up at me as she looks like she was so fed up with her job and then said.

"Do you have a ticket?" She stated with the most boring tone ever as I was about to lose my shit.

"No!" I replied back, and she looked at me and then said.

"Then you cannot board the plane if you don't have a ticket sorry sir now if that's all have a great day." She said with attitude as she looked back down to the ticket as she was organizing them or putting them in some type of folder as I looked at her if she was on some type of drug!

'Does this bitch not know who the fuck I am!'

"Excuse me miss but do you know who the fuck I am!" I said to her as she annoyingly sighed again and looked back up to me.

"No sir and I frankly do not care Who you are now if you're done please leave or else I will have to call security to escort you out of this building." She said as I just chuckled at her as I took out my hero ID and put it in front of her face.

"Now do you care who I am miss... Amy!" I said as looked at her name tag, as she quickly rolled her eyes at me.

"Congratulations you can read and to answer your question no Mr. Ground Zero sir I still do not care who the fuck you are! Now can you please leave!" She said that was the last straw for me just as I was about to make an explosion in her face I saw a glimpse of h/c!

I quickly put my focus on the gate window and my heart flip with joy there she was as we now look at each other I then ran up to the door as I tried to open it but it was locked!


"No!" I said as I banged on the door, as the flight attendant told me stop along with raccoon eyes but I didn't listen as I continue banging on the door!

"Y/N, please!" I breathed out as I felt the tears welling up as she was simply looking at me with eyes full of anger, confusion and pain.

"Y/N!" I yelled out to her but what she did next made my heart shatter she then smirked a little did a little wave goodbye as she turned around on her heels and continue boarding onto the plane, NO!
I continued to bang and shout stuff at door so I can at least try to get her attention back onto me!

"Y/N, Please!" I said "Please don't go. I promise I'll be a good husband, a good father no awesome great father! I promise! I'll to make both of you happy!" I yelled as the hot tears came down my face.

"I promise I'll never hurt you again!" I said as I watched her walk on to the plane as I then stop and turned around in the face my back to the door as I slid down. As now I was full on crying as I damn well know that people were looking at me or recording or doing both

'This is it she gone! I came to late and it's all my fault! And now she forever gone!'

From that day forward Bakugo was no longer the same it like when you left him something snap in him something that wasn't good at all.......

Chasing what's not there anymore. Cheater Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now