💠 Chapter 2💠

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Y/n's POV

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Y/n's POV

I force my eyes open as the sun glared at me through our window. Shifting my body over to face the other Side of the bed. And as usual he wasn't there it was pure emptiness what was I expecting for him to cut all ties he has for his new girl just for me. I miss the old Katsuki the one who loved me the one that stood in bed with me until the morning and just stare at me until I woke up and tell me how beautiful I looked but yet...... I still stood with him? Why you may ask? The truth is I don't know I guess I didn't want to let him go.

But yet I should....I pushed myself up from the tearing stain sheets, today was one of my rare days off I knew it would be best if I just relaxed but I didn't understand I clean the house and did the bed even though we have maids. It was 10:42 in the morning and I genuinely had no clue when or if Katsuki was coming home, I suddenly had the urge to cry!

but I didn't instead I got a flashback to when I truly found out his little game from my best friends Aj and Elissa

Flashback to that night

It was a nice Saturday evening as I was cooking for me and my husband even though he's out hanging out with the squad just as I was about to set his plate so I can put aside for him the doorbell rings causing me to tilt my head in confusion as I wasn't expecting any guest and Katsuki said he was come home later in the evening? So who is it? I went towards the door and unlocked it to reveal my best friends who were dressed up and look like they were out clubbing which was surprising for AJ as she doesn't like going outside as much in fact she doesn't like outside at all this is definitely all Elissa's doing! For sure AJ had on a suit on with white heels and Elissa had on a black shimmery dress that was hugging all her curves in all the right places with a leather jacket piece on top and her make up done perfectly

It was a nice Saturday evening as I was cooking for me and my husband  even though he's out hanging out with the squad just as I was about to set his plate so I can put aside for him the doorbell rings causing me to tilt my head in confusion as I ...

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Before I can even say anything they come right in and went into the living room and sat down on the couch then just start talking both at the same time but I heard what they said

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Before I can even say anything they come right in and went into the living room and sat down on the couch then just start talking both at the same time but I heard what they said

"Bakugo is cheating on you with a girl from the club!" I froze in my spot he's what? He but I thought he was going out with the guys? At lest that's what he said then it hit me did.....he....lie.....to me? As my thoughts were all over the place Elissa hand was waving in my face as she was also calling my name aswell AJ.

"Are you sure it's him?" I say as they nodded thire heads up and down as a yes

"Look we even got poof! I recorded it! Because I was the one who noticed it first!" Elissa said as she takes out her phone to show me the video. Just as she taps the play button on her screen the video starts to play as loud music is blowing from her phone speaker crowded people everywhere and she then zooms in on Bakugo who was in a deep hot make up session with some girl with short brunette hair and that's all you could see and she had like a bartender uniform on.

She then tap pause on her phone as she looks up at me my heart is completely shattered into billions pieces he lied to me! He looked directly into my eyes and lied to me!

"Hey come here sweetie" AJ said as she brings me into a hug as then start to cry my eyes out and so many thoughts were going through my head and while she's hugging me Elissa it rubbing my back in a calming way I then pulled away from the hug as they both looked at with an 'Are you okay' look

"I'm guys fine really but I just want to be alone for night." I said emotionless

"Are you sure we can kill him for you if you want!" Elissa said as I quickly look up at her with a 'what the fuck' look

"Yeah we totally can I know how to hide a body and get away with it!" AJ said

"NO! We are not doing that I just wanna be alone for the rest of the night."

"Okay then we let you be but if anything happens, call us okay."Elissa said as AJ just nodded her head in agreement they then left as I quickly went upstairs and started crying
End of Flashback

I got pulled out of thoughts as I heard the doorbell ring. For a second, I thought I was hearing things but then I let my hopes get the best of me as usual, and thought it would be him. I rushed towards the door fixing myself as I went. I swinged the door open, I was greeted by a short-ish woman with short brunette hair I knew it was her. The woman from video, the woman who has HIS heart now. She blinked at me for second I as if she was in shock.

"I'm sorry. I was looking for The residence of Bakugo Katsuki." She said in a sweet bubbly voice. "I may have gotten my boyfriend's address mixed up with your." Her words cut through me like a knife and it made me want to cry but...... I didn't. Instead I returned a smile then spoke.

"No you're at the right place, although I don't know when he'll return. You can come in if you like." I said, Opening the door a bit wider for her, but she shook her head.

"No thanks." She said "He's probably at work right now. I'll just visit him at his agency. Anyway I'll be heading off now." She said before turning around and making her way to her car which was parked in our driveway.

I shut the door as the hot tears that I was holding in started running down my face. As I tried holding in my sobs, I make my way up the stairs towards our bedroom. Collapsing on the bed. All that could be heard throughout the whole mansion were my sobs getting muffed by my pillow as I started hugging it tighter as I felt the aching feeling in my heart.

Chasing what's not there anymore. Cheater Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now