💠 Chapter 3💠

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Bakugo's POVI let out a deep sigh as I finished my paperwork for the night all I wanted was to go home and cuddle with Y/n as she runs her soft hands through my hair

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Bakugo's POV
I let out a deep sigh as I finished my paperwork for the night all I wanted was to go home and cuddle with Y/n as she runs her soft hands through my hair. I Then told the rest of the staff members that was still there to go home as I walked out building my widened as I saw Uraraka waiting for me outside on my car!

Is this bitch crazy or what how dare she sit on my orange and black Lamborghini! Only the one who can do that is Y/n!

"Hey Katsuki~" She greeted, as she then hopped off my car

"Hello,Uraraka." I greeted the women. Part of me wanted to blame her for what my relationship with Y/n had becom, but I knew that I was the only one to blame.

"Uraraka, we need to stop this." I suddenly said this made her make a surprise facial expression

"What why?!" She asked. "Did I someth-"

"I have a wife." I stated. She staring at me with wied eyes.  "I've been cheating on her with you for past four months and it isn't right."

"And You- you never told me?!" She breathed out with a mixture of shock, irritation and disgust. "That women...she's your wife!"

"Uraraka, please let's just cut this off-"

"And what makes you think that your wife would want you if she found about this?!"

"She already knows. She has known from day one." I said as I  flinched as she had slapped me across the face.

I deserve that.

I got into my car and began backing out of the parking lot. Now that I have cut all ties with Uraraka, it would be right for me to head home to my wife but, I had other plans. I made my way down the busiest streets of Japan until I reach the local mall. I stepped out of my car and made my way inside, knowing exactly where I wanted to go. A small flower shop sat in the of the mall. Vibrant bouquets could be seen through the crystal clear glass windows.

I stepped in and gazed around looking for the perfect Bouquet.

"Hello there sir is there anything I can help you with?" Called the lady from behind the counter.

"I don't know much about floriography, but could you please help me but most perfect Bouquet for my wife?" I said "I did something that barely even a fraction of people on this planet would you forgive and I want to make it up to her even if she hates me and throws divorce papers at my face, I want to at least try to fix what I have broken."

Suddenly the doors to the shop swung open and I had turn my head to see who had walked in. It was Y/n and her best friend Elissa. Y/n has on a black short sleeve turtleneck and on top of it was a red plaided dress with black boots and a red headband. Elissa has on a purple dress with its matching shoes as she practically is obsessed with that color

 Elissa has on a purple dress with its matching shoes as she practically is obsessed with that color

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I ducked behind the counter quickly before they could turn their heads in my birection.

I ducked behind the counter quickly before they could turn their heads in my birection

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"So you're actually gonna do it!" Elissa said

'Do what? Exactly!'

"Yeah Eli I am I have everything planned out already I already did step one of my plan anyways."

'What plan is she talking about and what's step one?!'

"So why are we here then, I swear to god if it's for those stupid flowers that remind you of him I'm going to kill you!"

"Then I guess you're going to have to kill me. The usual please!"She said in a cheery voice as she walks to the counter as Elissa rolls her eyes.

'So she comes here often?'

She said in a cheery voice as she walks to the counter as Elissa rolls her eyes.

" Right away, Mrs. Bakugo." Said the florist as she began wandering around looking the shop for the flowers.

I poked my head from behind the counter. The second the florist and Elissa were distracted Y/n face went from been bright and cheerful to absolute sadness mixed with a bit of confusion and pure pain. Elissa and the florist had both returned as the florist return with the bouquet flowers Y/n's face switched back to boundless happiness and joy.

"Here you go!" Exclaimed the florist as she handed Y/n the flowers. "A dozen of Samba Asiatic Lily! Hey why do you always buy these flowers anyways? I understand they're pretty, but you have been buying a Bouquet once a week for the past three months now." The florist said making Elissa look at y/n with a shocked look.

" I can tell you why because the flowers reminder her of the pathetic man of a husband that she has and I wish I could just eyes blast into microscopic pieces!" She said and really as her eyes started to glow green again.

"Elissa!" Y/n looked at her and then slaped her shoulder,

"Ow! N/n! But you know it's true!" Elissa while rubbing her shoulder where y/n hit her at.

"But now can we go these bags are getting heavy!" Elissa said as y/n took out 3000 yen and sitting on the counter

"Yes we can go now Eli and thank you for The flowers have a great day!" She said as they both walk out the door. But just as she turned around to leave I heard her muttered someone words to herself

"They'er simply a silent reminder of his love for me......Artificial....." I felt a pain in my chest when she said that.

"I am assuming you're Mr. Bakugo?" Question the florist as she placed the yen in the cash register.

"Yeah...." I mumbled as I got up. " I didn't know she comes here that often." I said as she just looked at me with a what the fuck look

"So as her husband, you never knew that she left the house once a week every week for the past three months straight?" She questioned I bit my lip before shaking my head as a no.

"Wow well then what exactly then did you do wrong?"

"Well I-"

"Think carefully about why she learn to change her facial expressions like that every time she thinks no one is watching or looking. Think about you did that drove her to point of forcing herself to wear a face like that every single time she leaves the house."

"I...cheated...." I finally said as The familiar guilt filled my chest as I looked down

Chasing what's not there anymore. Cheater Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now