💠 Chapter 7💠

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Y/n's POVI had finally arrived in Korea as I got off the plane as my cousin said that she was at the pick up area

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Y/n's POV
I had finally arrived in Korea as I got off the plane as my cousin said that she was at the pick up area. I then started walking to the area as I then got there and I start looking for her black car I then spot it as it was in the front of the line.

I then walk over to it as then knocked on the window as she jump a little as she was on her phone making me laugh a little as she and then flipped me off and got out the car.

"Oh my god y/n! you fucking scared the shit out of me! But Hiii! I have missed you so much!" She said as she gave me a light hug due to the baby!

"Hi Yeong! I have miss you too!" I said as I hugged her back as we then pulled apart me and Yeong have always been close like this she is my favorite cousin!

When she pulled away from me she and then rub my stomach and said.

"And hello to you too! Little girl!" She said as she was rubbing the baby kick making us both surprise like if she was saying hello back to her! We both then laughed.

"Okay you can put your suitcase in the trunk and we start heading off as Adaline making us dinner!" She said she went to the back of her car and put my suitcase in her trunk even though I told her I could do it she protested since I was pregnant as I just rolled my eyes at her as I just went in the passenger seat of her car.

As she then Close her trunk and jogged her way over to the front, as she then started driving out of the airport.

As I then asked her "Did you get it" I said as she nodded her head as she then handed me my new phone!

"It's set up and everything all you gotta do now is put the numbers or whatever you want to keep in touch with from over there!"

"Okay thanks Yeong you are literally the best!" I said as turn on my new iPhone and took out my old one and started putting in all the peoples contacts in that I want to keep in touch with in it as well as deleting all of my social media's.

"I know!" She as I saw her to her little hair flip as rolled my eyes at her.

A/n's POV
Back in Japan

Bakugo how to return back to his house as it was now empty the maids and everyone else had left for the day as it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop! He then started to get mad at himself as he then started to throw stuff around now all that could be heard was stuff breaking and crashing as he then saw the vase with the lilies inside of it he pick one up from the vase inside and said

"My love for you it was not artificial I will find you again y/n, even if it's the last thing I do." He said as he placed the flower back down onto the countertop as he raced upstairs as if he was going to find her there or something like if she was it magically going to poof right back into his arms!

He then looked around the room need to see pictures of them in the bed neatly made, he then went into the closet only to see his stuff as that's what he thought until he saw a Black shirt that was not his he quickly picked it up!

To see it was indeed his wife's shirt he quickly brong it up to his nose as it smell like her sweet vanilla strawberry scent he quickly rushed over to the bed and took the pillow that he uses and pulled off the pillow Cover and put the shirt over the pillow as a pillowcase!

I didn't go over the full pillow obviously but he didn't care he quickly then took off his shoes and plopped hiself into the bed and started hugging the pillow as he bigged his face into the pillow taking in all of her scent as he fell asleep.

Y/n's POV
Me and Yeong had arrive to her house not to long ago as her Beautiful wife rushed over to me and hugged me as a Hello! As then hugged her back aswell as then hug my stomach saying hello to the baby as well!

As I couldn't hold back a giggle as Yeong told her to stop it as I told her it was fine!

"Yeah you meanie! But Anyways y/n please go relax! I know it was a hell a long flight to yet here and being in a Cramp space and and 15 hour drive with her it's so much worse so please cover like in the guest room it's already prepared for you!" Adaline said with a close eye smile and her hands clamped together in front of her.

"Are you sure I can help you with dinner if you would like me too?" I said as I started to feel a bother to them.

'I need to get back on my feet quickly!'

"No, no! It's fine really besides you're guest and your having a baby and dinner is almost ready anyways, and when it's done I'll send Yeong to get you when it's done!" She said as I looked at her hesitantly while biting my lower lip befor nodding my head and making way up towers the Guest room.


I had finish taking a shower as I put on some shorts and an oversize T-shirt and Took a little nap as Yeong had came in the room saying that dinner is ready! I got up while I on my new phone as I was texting Aj and Elissa that this was my new Number and stuff.

I had made new social media accounts but only to keep up with stuff in Japa. I wasn't gonna post anything on them.

I then sat down at dinner table as I see a bowl of Ramen in front of me as my eyes sparkle with joy as I have been craving Ramen!

I quickly pick up a pair of chopsticks and start stuffing the noodles in my mouth!

"Oh my god Adaline! I love your ramen!" I said as she just and giggled and then said

"I'm glad you like them! You are our guest and I knew this was your favorite so I decided to whip it up for you!" She said making me feel bad but she probably made it when she got out of work just went straight to cooking because of me.

"Anyways I was looking for jobs on my phone and I found a couple so I want to go to some tomorrow morning!" I said as they looked at me as if I was from another planet

"Are you insane or just acting like a dumbass right now!" Yeong said as I looked at her trying to see the problem?

"Yeah what's the problem?"

"Y/n sweetheart you're pregnant you're having a baby you can't be going and get a job right away! You're just going to go on maternity leave anyways." Adaline said even though I already knew that I just want to get back on my feet so I can leave them alone.

"I know is that I just feel bad that I'm just crashing here with you guys so I can leave you guys alone." I said as looked down to my food and started playing with it

"Aww sweetheart you're not a bother to us! Your family you could never be a bother or burden to us!" Said Adaline as she reach over the table and put her hand on top of mine!

"Yeah! Like why are you trying to run away from me just got here! And this The first time I seen you since last family Reunion which was like when we were 15 years old! So let me have some time with you and the little rascal that's inside of you! You're not my favorite cousin for no reason!" She said making me laugh as we continue eating

"But I'm still going to go to those interviews tomorrow morning though!" I said as I got up to go wash my bowl as I Heard them both yell no you're not!

'I am so! I know we're the extra key is at!'
I then finish washing up the bowl as I put it in the drying area and then went to the guest room to go to sleep as I was tired for some reason

'This damn baby she needs to hurry up and get out of me she be making me tired for no reason!'

I then got into the covers that again work my way to sleep! For the next day I have!

End of chapter I hope you all enjoyed it and have a happy Halloween

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