💠AJ Q&A Answers💠

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Hello humans! Sorry it took so long to respond to everyone, it was testing week and I kinda died so yeah. Anyway, we're moving on from that crap.

......ok so we got a lot of answers here..... a lot of concerning ones......(not like I can say shit but we don't talk about Bruno so.......). Ok! Let's start with some of the normal questions and then get into everything else. Not many normal so we'll be done quick🤣

LittlePartyJaaem37 asked, " Can you actually fight? And if you can, how bad can you bruise someone?"
I'm honestly assuming there are some ✨motives✨ behind this question here but the first half is a good question! Yes, I can actually fight, I've been professionally trained a while back for about two years, and I have gotten into some ✨tricky✨ situations where I have had to physically get out of there so yea I can fight. I'm not the absolute best at it though, so I usually avoid fighting unless it's absolutely necessary. I prefer using laws against others and watching them crumble when they realize they can't do anything against me unless they want to step into an illegal/gray zone area in which case I have the advantage. I'm also trained in the use of firearms and other weapons. For the bruising part, if I gave you a bruise while trying to hurt you, probably last for at least a week. If it was for other reasons, about a day at most.

SweetLittleBubbliy asked, "How old are you?"

I'm 15/16 for anyone curious but I don't see why this is important.

Ok, so Hotlianox25 asked a lot so these are gonna be hers.
"What's your sexuality?"
Irrelevant for you to know. You ever meet me IRL on accident and I'll tell you.

"How can you hide a body?"

That depends! If you live near an ocean with a border, take an unregistered boat and sail out to the border. Then dump the body right on the line. The murder can no longer be traced back to any one legal system and you cannot be prosecuted for the murder. If you live in an area where there is no water, then dig a hole that is 6 feet deep ( roughly depending on how tall the person is) and 1-2 feet wide. Spread some yogurt in the anus (disgusting I know) to help the body decompose faster, and dump! Make sure it looks as natural as possible before you move away from the town. Also, remove fingertips and teeth to make it harder to identify the body. One last thing! Don't do this. You will get caught and I don't need anyone pointing fingers and/or chasing me. You're not a professional at this no matter what kind of fake scenarios you make up in your head.

"Also, I see you have a lot of issues so WHAT THE F*CK IS WRONG WITH YOU!"

.........Rude much? Also, looking at your other comments, you should be the LAST person to ask what's wrong with others. I'm not complaining, just saying.

Ok, now that all the "normal" questions are out of the way, let's move on to the sex stuff for you horny mfs'. Really, why ya'll like me so much? I'm literally shit🤣 Whatever, let's get into this ✨mess✨ of a comment section.

Dream_Pairs-12: "I have only one request can you please f*ck me until I can not walk for a whole god damn f*cking year! That is all that you🥰"

Ok, sweetheart? You see that line over there? No, the one over there that wraps around the building corner? Yeah, that one. Go get comfy over at the end of it because unless you are interesting to me,(meaning that you can actually keep me entertained instead of expecting ME to do all the work), hella attractive, or you're a fictional character, that's where you're going to be staying for awhile. Comment again with something more intriguing, and I might just grant your wish and then some. 😋😏 I do appreciate the mommy comments though, that I will grant you for now.

Ok, for both LittlePartyJaaem37 and SweetLittleBubbliy asked for something similar so I'm just gonna paraphrase here: "Tell me I'm nothing while slamming me into a wall". No. You think you DESERVE to have the wall, to be standing up in my fucking presence?

*slams you onto the floor*

You are nothing to me. You are less then nothing, less then the dirt beneath my shoes. At least that has some kind of value, something that can be molded into something useful, unlike you sluts. The dirt under me has earned the privilege to be stepped on by me. What have you earned? What have you done for me to deserve my time? FUCKING NOTHING. You are trash, and I intend to use you as such.

(Dream_Paris-12, take notes. THIS is how you get my attention. Yours was too straightforward and boring, get me something fun to do and we can talk).

Ok, next is more from SweetLittleBubbliy: "Can you choke me!"

Gladly. That'd actually be a great stress reliever. I'll send someone over to pick you up. You better be looking nice though. Also, don't die on me.

"Can you marry me/can I have you?!"

NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE AND NOO! Ok, so actually fun storytime. You know your little author friend Blue Moon? Ok, so I flirt with her all the time. Ever since I meet her I've just been flirting, teasing, and messing around. I do this because your girl DIES. I mean, full-on red face, stuttering, angry, throwing punches, etc. (She's gonna hate me when she reads this🤣🤫). Anyways, I do this because I find it entertaining, it's fun for me. But if anything tried to progres, I would be out. Just because I do some like morning exercise doesn't mean I'm ready for a triathlon ok? I'm good, thanks. Also, I have an anime husband already so sorry to disappoint. (Before anyone ask, no nothing has happened or will happen between Blue Moon and I so shut yer nasty brains off). But yeah you get my point. On to the next!

Ok, so this is going to be Hotlianox25 again because damn darlings got a lot of requests and questions for me. Flattered really.
" please can YOU STOMP ON ME?"
Sure. Again, I got no problem doing that, it would be fun for me. Better not die or pass out though.

"And also, are you single because if you need a dog I can! WOOF!"

Yeah I am single. As for the dog...no. Not my thing.

"And if you are part of the mafia can I be your play toy😮‍💨 I'm not loud I promise 😉😘"

1) No, I'm not actually part of the mafia despite what Blue Moon might tell you (she is convinced that I am🙄)
2) If you're quiet then that's no fun, is it? Well, I'll just have to break you out of that habit won't I?🥰

Ok! Those were all the questions I got! I'm honestly surprised no one asked about Blue Moon but whatever I guess I'm just more loved. 🤣 Also, I showed this to a mutual friend of ours (calling her Iris bc that's what I call her irl ) and she looked at your comments then at me and went " This people need help, this is concerning." So yeah. Felt like sharing that.

Thanks for responding guys and let me know if you guys want me to do this again! We can do a Q&A with Blue Moon too and you guys can see what she's really like if you ask the right questions. 🤣
All for now, bye!

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