💠The End💠

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A/n: The feels of this chapter, long-ish chapter ahead enjoy!❤️

Key: B/M= Beauty mark!

Y/n's POV
It has been a few days since I have seen my friends but I have felt like someone is watching me and it's freaking me out as all-time I look behind me, none is there!

But at least I haven't bumped into him or his parents yet so that's a relief I and Scarlet were the only ones at the house as my parents were called to work for emergency services, I told them that it's okay that I would be okay with being here by myself,

I looked in the federator as there wasn't much in it as my mother hasn't been able to go to the supermarket, as for me and Scarlet have been here so being the nice daughter and decided to go and get them some food for the house.


My dad had kept my old car in the driveway as I was now at the supermarket with Scarlet in her baby carrier as I went down the aisle and put some stuff in my cart, I was in the meat aisle, and I was hungry for some beef dumplings!  As your parents have mostly the dry ingredients you just need some other stuff and then you could go back home.

I was looking for the 8oz of beef as it only going to be me and my parents I then found one and grabbed one of the back as I don't like the ones in the front as those are the ones that get touched the most by other people.

I grabbed it and put it in the cart moving on to the next aisle as it was the seasoning aisle just as I was about to enter the aisle I stopped as I saw spikey ash-blonde hair! I quickly pulled back as my heart was racing in my chest!

Why now?! Out of all time! Now is the time?!

I took a peek at him, as he was looking for a spice mostly the hottest one on the shelf. He's gotten paler but he still looked more handsome than ever before!

Wait! I shouldn't be thinking about him like that, he loves someone else's and I look different now so I should have no problem with getting by him just look at the other shelf! No big deal right?!

A/n's POV

Oh how you were so wrong! It was no coincidence that you had bumped into him there, this was all part of his plan! He had sent someone to watch your every move.

He had followed you to the supermarket with a smile on his face and he knew that you saw him, as also saw how you pulled back to the previous aisle he tried to hide his smirk a it felt like high school again,
with you being too shy to say you had feelings for him, he had smelled your perfume!

The scent he has been missing since the day you left he just wanted to hold you!

He then saw you come back around as you were looking straight ahead and then looking at another shelf, as you passed by him the sweet smell inhaled into his nose, as this made him go crazy, just as you were about to leave the aisle. He called out to you,

"Y/n?" He said making me freeze in your spot as your body had frozen as well as your mind as it was all foggy you then turn around to face him as he was now extremely close to you, as you cleared your throat.

"I'm sorry, but that's not my name!" You said with a forced smile as you then put A random seasoning in your cart and try to get away from him as he then pulled your arm bring you towards him!


"I know it you Y/n, I can tell by your perfume and by your B/M on your face.....I just want to talk that's it.....please...." That was a lie he didn't want to just "talk" he wanted you back in life and for you to stay in it and never leave again! But you didn't need to know that yet...He continued his acting and put his face in the crook of your neck.

Chasing what's not there anymore. Cheater Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now