💠 Chapter 9💠

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A/n: I want to do a Quick thank you for 100 votes like oh my god

Thank you all so so so much! Now let's get back to original program!

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Thank you all so so so much! Now let's get back to original program!

 Doja Cat-Boss Bitch"0:35 ━❍──────── -2:15,               ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 10000%"

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Doja Cat-Boss Bitch
"0:35 ━❍──────── -2:15, ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 10000%"

A/n's POV
As the days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months it had been officially nine months since Y/n left and Bakugo was slowly losing himself as he was trying to balance out hero work and trying to find his wife, as he harassed her best friends as one of them was with her before she left! But that only ended him to get kicked out of her family's restaurant forever!

As for his appearance he had gotten skinnier more pale than usual he had eyebags that probably went on for years! Under his crimson eyes, and his new daily schedule was work, come home try to look for y/n all night, take a shower and go back to work, repeat. He had barely ate nowadays due to the fact that he was trying to fine his wife, so the only time he did consume food was when his Friends or parents forced him to eat something but even at work or when he's being forced to eat by his will from his personal assistant or Side kick.

He was always looking for Y/n on his laptop running her name through the system in America only for it to say 'This person does not exist in this state, please try another location.' Causing him to slam his fist on the table every time.

"Damn useless laptop!" He would yell out all the time as he would explode the laptop and then go buy another one after his Hero duties were over.

While on the other hand Y/n was living her best life! As she was slowly fall in love with her new boss, as he also had the same feelings as her, everything about him was perfect to her he was the total opposite of her ex-husband! And she loved it, he eventually found out that she was pregnant, so didn't ask her to do much for him.

And when she had gottted stomach contractions during the job he would run to her to make sure she was okay, he would often send her home early only for her to come back the next day!

Y/n loved how Salo, was so polite, gentle, never gets angry like how Baukgo used to do and how he puts rational thinking over emotions!

she had also moved out of her cousin and her wife's house and got an apartment a couple of blocks down from them, even though now they act like she lives thousands and thousands of miles away from them. She had kept in touch with the squad as she would send them bump updates along with Aj and Elissa!

Y/n's POV
It was just a normal Monday at the Salo Company as I was just at my desk fixing my Bosses schedule but even though I was quite sad today as it was Valentine's Day......my mind went back to the old memories I had with Katsuki, I was so deep into my memories and I didn't hear my name being called by my boss until he waved his had in my face causing me to jerk back into reality.

"O-oh Mr.Salo, is there a problem what is?"

"Are you okay Miss L/n? I have been calling for the pass 30 minutes?" He said in gentle yet caring voice making my heart flutter.

'30 minutes!? He has been calling me for 30 minutes!'

"Oh no, no, I'm fine I was just deep in thought that's all is there anything I can help you with?" I said

"No there's no problem or anything I just came here to tell you that you can go home early today you have been looking quite tired lately so go get some rest, you're not living just for yourself you know." He said as he said the last part with the strict voice indicating my pregnancy.

"I know, I know, but are you sure I can go home I mean I can still work?"

"Yes Miss Y/N I'm sure." He said as he used my first name that means he was very serious! I just sighed as I then said.

"Okay then if you say so, BUT if you need anything don't hesitate to call me back in okay!" I said to him as I got up from my chair and grab my stuff so I could leave.

"Yes I know Miss L/n, you say this all time I let go home early, but yet I never call you." He said as we both walked out of my office.

"Okay, Okay, I'll stop!" I said as I slightly giggled as he walked me towards the elevator. We soon when both our separate ways as I got in the elevator I decided to go pay my cousin and her wife a visit since they had a day off and they probably missed the shit out of me.

Time skip at your cousin's house

I unlocked the front door as they both gave me a key to the house, I then entered

"Yo, yo, yo what it is motherfuckers!" I yelled as Yeong poked her head out from the living room only to come running at me to hug me and that's when it happened!




End of chapter and I hoped you all enjoy it and I'll see you all in the next one bye!🌟💖

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