💠Chapter 11💠

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Y/n's POV
I was woken up by the sun glaring at me through the window, I turned to see I was not in the hospital or my room, but I was in my cousin's guestroom as I frantically got up looking for my newborn baby girl,

As if on cue Yeong comes into the room, as I now know that I'm in her guest's room but I see she has my little girl in her arms as she walks closer to me.

"Awe, there's my pretty little girl," I said in a soft and smooth voice as Yeong then gives me Scarlet, she then opens up her eyes, and like she knows that I am her mother she smiles at me, Making my heart melt!

'I wish he was here to see these moments'

I thought to myself, as Yeong then said something to bring me back to reality.

"She's been the best baby I have ever taken care of in my life!" She said making me look at her with a "Really" face.

"Yup, she only cried when she needed to be changed or want something to eat, so you got a good one," she said making me smile as I looked back at my baby!

"I'm glad she wasn't much trouble for you and thank you so much Yeong for being here for me and Scarlet we really appreciate it," I said while looking at Yeong, as she was smiling with tears in her eyes as she hugs me.

"Wait what about my job I am gonna have to work!" I said while panicking.

"No! Adaline called him last night and he said he wants you to take a good 4 months off and he's still going to pay you so you and Scarlet will be staying here! And I don't want to hear 'No', It's or but's got it!" She said as if she was my mom!

"It's fine, I wouldn't want any other way!" I said, throwing her off guard, making me laugh as I get up from the bed and towards the kitchen the as I smelled something flavorful, I had fixed Scarlet to where her head was on my shoulder.

"Good morning!!" I sang as I entered the dining room, to see Adaline in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Y/n! and Scarlet, I'm making strawberry waffles!" She as my eyes lit up like diamonds!

I love her cooking so much!

"Okay I'll take two please!"

"Okay, by the way Y/n, me and Yeong had ordered you some necessary baby items and they should be coming to today, as a welcoming gif for Scarlet!" she said making me look at her.

"Why?! Don't spend your hard-earned money, how much was all of it, so I can pay you guys back?"

"Y/n M/n L/n, I just said it was a gif, so you don't have to pays back!" she said while glaring at me,

"Yes, ma'am!"

{Two months later }

Scarlet is already two months old! And it makes my heart hurt as she growing up to fast for my liking!
It's true about what people say time flies!

I was now packing a duffel bag for me and Scarlet as I was going back to Japan tomorrow for a two weeks, that way my parents can finally meet Scarlet! And not from pictures or face-time, and the squad wants to see her as well.

But Yeong was not happy about it, but I somehow managed to convince her that I was going to be okay, I was in my place once I was done with the bag, I grabbed my keys and headed out as I had a hair appointment Yeong and Adaline we're with Scarlet as they said they want to spend more time with her before we leave.

(At the hair salon)

I walked up to the front desk to see an ocean blue-haired girl on her phone.

"Um, miss excuse me," I said, getting her attention as she had blue eyes

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