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At times she forgot how the map before her had only been of Boston and some of the surrounding cities, instead of the entire State.

The world they lived in had become so small, and dangerous so fast, it was easy to forget there was more ground to cover than running endless circles around the same city. All in hopes the Skitters and Mechs wouldn't catch up with them.

Perhaps the craziest part about it all was that in the past months they had only managed to keep circling about five to ten kilometres from the place they once called home.

In fact, they were probably closer to the Mason home now, than they've ever been since leaving it. Eyes able to recognise the name of their street on the map, when her father smoothed it out before them.

Royal Avenue in Observatory Hill, Cambridge was where she spend most of her life. Even if it wasn't where she was born and raised during her first years, unlike her brothers, it was home. And she had no doubt there was nothing left of it to recognise now they had abandoned it. Nothing but the shadows of the memories they made.

"We think there's food here and here." Her eyes moved away from the spot on the map they had been glued on. "There's a store in west Newton and a food distribution warehouse in Watertown."

She had been so focused on what had been and her fingers tugging at the skin of her lips in stress, she barely caught her father point a twig between the two locations on the map, "They're both shopsmarts. If there's food in them, they're probably traps."

"The main invader force is either gonna come up River road or Blanchard road. We need to know which one." The young adult looked up from the map, eyes scanning the in deep thought looks of the others, "I don't want a bunch of skitters and Mechs coming up behind us."

"So, Hal, Liz and Karen, you guys got to check that out. You got to let us know which way they're coming." The twenty year old nodded, mostly to herself, at the words from her father. "So we know where to go."

"And we'll be waiting at the train station." Elizabeth would've laughed at the look on Anthony's face in response to Tom's word. But unlike previous missions, they didn't have a sole idea of what they were going to walk into.

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