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Boston had been eerie quiet that autumn afternoon. If one had not counted the heavy duty staple gun, chunking the wooden poles with each press. Or for the roll of tape they had brought being pulled from it's base.

Elizabeth hadn't been around her dad or the oldest of her brothers much, except on 'missions', since she had moved her belongings to the other side of the building. And truth be told, not many words had been spoken between one another on any of their assignments.

The twenty year old passed half the quantity of posters pressed into her hands to the youngest boy's hands as the last of his was taped onto the side of a truck.

In all those weeks since Ben had gone missing, all they had been doing was hanging posters around Boston. Hoping more people would find their way to the Second Massachusetts. Desperate to somehow form somewhat of a second regiment to form an assault against their oppressors.

If she had to believe her dad, it was for a cause. The treacherous miles wandering through the city, fallen leafs and abandoned cars their only companions. And the closer to downtown Boston, to more disturbing it got. Not even a curious fox or squirrel dared to enter the city, now they had been crawling with the extra-terrestrial.

At times she had wondered who would see the posters, not once they had run into someone else. Not even Second Mass themselves had managed to cross paths once, each time she had gone out.

The tape left her fingers with a sticky pull as she stuck the ends of the paper to an abandoned window of what used to be a shop. Ears perking as she heard the youngest of them as he watched the fresh pile he had just gotten from his sister. "These aren't very good, dad."

"Those World War Two posters you showed me were way better." A smile grew on her face at the words, ones she expected would receive a scoff from her father but never came. "This isn't really an art project, Matt. This is a fight for survival."

Hal's voice had cut through the quiet that had come after his father's words, "It's not a fight at all!"

For the first time in weeks, she agreed with Hal, even if she had silently done so. Leafletting was not a fight nor one for survival, as the attacks kept coming and people died as they sat in hiding.

The dark haired boy had turned on his heels and come to a halt face first with the older man, "All what we should be doing is going out on patrol and-"

"We're not a strong enough force. Not yet." At first she had expected Hal to bite back at their father's words, but she was surprised to watch him step back as he continued speaking. "For now, the best way to fight is to help Colonel Porter form the 2nd Massachusetts. We're closing in on enough people for a second regiment."

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