i, eleven

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Their feet were aching, no matter where they went had been safe any longer. And the more days passed, the more of them came scattered across town. To top it all, they were running out of food and places to find it.

Some streets and buildings were scattered with dead bodies. While others had been simply deserted.

The unsettling detail they discovered after what happened in the Historic District and Longwood that week prior, was that they seemed to know exactly their food would be. The locations with any food and supplies still left in them was either getting blown up, or was guarded by mechs and skitters to serve like traps.

And the biggest issues of it all. Was that the Second Mass was beginning to get corned, now they were only one district away from crawling all over them. Making each day that passed becoming more of a risk to get out of Boston without being noticed by one of their patrols.

It had been there and then, that very specific day the eldest Mason children and their father had run into an ambush while trying to gather food and water out of the many things the camp needed.

Just few miles from the last barricade that would hold the ford to keep them from being found in the basement of a deserted building. The sound of Mechs tearing up Common not far off.

It meant they had been close, if not already, broken through the last standing barricades in Back Bay, South Boston and the Colton Street.

They had run through emptied but torn up streets and deserted alleyways. Hoping it was enough to make it to the last turn, and make it to the final barricade before base, and warn them of the incoming.

It was until they crashed their backs into the brick at full force as their feet stopped moving, that she could feel the lack of sleep and food rush through her head.

And most of all, Elizabeth could feel her heart racing through her chest, up her neck and find its way into her ears. Almost enabling her to pay attention to the hum of Mechs and the chitter of Skitters. The sound that marked they were running out of time.

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