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Five months passed since that day.

And if one were to ask her honestly, that sixth month had only proved how much could change for the worse. Boston had only gotten worse. Its districts falling one by one and causing the Second Mass to retreat further to the outskirts of town.

In addition more and more refugees had begun to join the militia, which was a good thing. Because the more of them survived, the more chance they had maybe a handful of them saw the end of this occupation.

But they began to run out of places to hide that many people from the Aliens. Especially with most of them not being able to handle a gun, let alone a knife. And if people couldn't defend themselves, how would they hold the defence, once the Skitters did find them.

And now with Boston falling, sooner or later they would have to leave the city. With all the regiments they managed to form, along with the Second Mass. No one knew what the situation had been like outside of the city.

They had no way to contact anyone outside the metropolitan, let alone outside the State. For all they knew, Boston was the last city or place anywhere in the United States or the world, that was still standing. They could be the last that had this many survivors, and not a couple of lone survivors.

If there were any survivors at all.

Another report that was brought in with new refugees, were the sightings of harnessed children. Ones she had only seen a few times in the early months of the invasion, controlled and no doubt used by the Skitters and Mechs for whatever it was they needed them for.

Tom and her brothers had grown to believe that Ben had been amongst them. Held onto that last straw of hope, that somewhere he was alive with a harness on his back. And don't anyone dare tell them since that day, there was a chance he had already been dead.

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