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Everything went to hell that day.

And by everything, Elizabeth meant everything that could've possibly gone to hell, did.

The Masons had run into a make shift hospital on one of the playgrounds in a park nearby. Wounded or not, there were more people there than she'd seen since the start of the invasion.

Enthusiasm from her brothers had found herself in front of a group of what seemed militia men, explaining how they'd survived the invasion so far. How their father had been the one who'd either taught them things in order to survive being an history buff or kept them alive this far.

She'd learned from the elder men a doctor named Anne Glass had been treating wounded that were injured since the first attack and those following. But with the many amount gathered on the field, she wasn't sure where to start, in order to figure out who that certain medic had been.

How the invaders had used an EMP to take out the entire grid just as she'd suspected, once the chaos on that first day had passed and the adrenaline following her car accident had settled.

Hal had noticed the forty-three year old searching for his kids, called just loud enough for him to hear, "Dad, over here!"

"You think we could beat them with these people?" She had looked down at the younger boy in front of her, looking back at her past his shoulders in question.

"Yeah. We might." She'd nodded at him with a slight smile, ruffling through his blond locks lightly.

Though deep down she sure doubted the people on this field alone would get them to that victory. Especially if the enemy had ten times more skitters and mechs, than they had people and more lethal and indestructible weapons than the mere gun currently available.

She looked past her shoulder to see her dad approaching the circle, as one of the men spoke up, "Mr. Mason. Your kids were just telling us about you, you do much in the way of fighting?"

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