i, five

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Six weeks had passed since Ben went missing.

Six weeks and nothing changed for the better when they'd joined the second Mass, if not gotten worse between the eldest three of family members.

Elizabeth had spend most of her time helping Anne out, just to be away from the persistent look of hatred Hal had been given her or the arguments that came with it. Or any other argument igniting between them whenever her brother implied wanting to go on patrols or decided to guilt-trip her again.

And though she had been around her father plenty of times, there was no more than simple conversation. If anything, most spoken about was Second Mass related things, the rest was silence.

It was as if through the grief they had to fight through having a part of them fearing Ben had already been dead, came out by putting the blame on her and only her. As if the weight on her shoulders since the invasion had begun hadn't been enough already.

One could say she was walking an endless tide rope to get away from the situation in order to avoid it all together.

And though there was a part of her that could understand why grief made them lash out to her in the way they had. It didn't validate anything she had to say or feel about the situation, at all.

The only Mason that didn't treat her with foul looks, words or silence had been Matt. Surely he had been aware of plenty that had been going on, with Ben having gone missing on as the others seemed to blame her account, but he had not treated her like the bad guy.

But what was an eight year old going to do against the breakdown between three adults that was happening. And that all in the midst of an alien invasion.

Dinner had been uncomfortable quiet that night, even amongst the chatter remaining around them. And is if the mood couldn't be spoiled any further, so it did.

It had been an innocent question upon the youngest' account, curious if they were going to look for Ben that following morning. It was that which ignited the oldest brother's resentment at his sister once more.

"We wouldn't have needed to look for Ben, if she hadn't lost sight of him."

There need no names to be spoken to know who the she had been in this story. Every one of the remaining Masons had known it was, Elizabeth he had meant.

Matthew's brown eyes had settled on his sister only shortly with a sorrow look, seeming to be apologising without saying a single word.

"Really? You want to start that argument again?" She had clenched her jaw before looking down at the plate on the table.

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