i, twenty

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Nothing much had been spoken of after that.

They didn't know what was going on in the auditorium, or if Tom was fine with a man that made his intentions clear. They didn't know anything about these men but the name of the man Click shot as he fell to his death, the brother, Billy.

Meanwhile they had been locked away in a classroom, huddled on the side of the room furthest from the windows. Just in case their alien friends decided to come looking, the armoury couldn't be too far if it was connected by tunnels.

Not knowing when the door would come crashing open, revealing something she couldn't calculate.

She wasn't sure whether another one of them would be taken back to the auditorium, or if her father would be thrown in here like garbage. If Hal had gotten back with the 50 Cal, and be released back into the night. Perhaps her brother failed and the men had gotten order to do their worst.

The four of them had lost track of how long they had sat there, in silence and perhaps a sense of fear. The everlasting dread of what would come.

Nothing more but the sporadic shuffle of someone trying to stretch their limbs and engage their muscles. The sharp intake of a breath of air next to her. Or uncomfortable sound as they winced at the feeling of the restraints cutting into their wrists.

An occasional glance was shared as they would hear a shuffle behind the door. And a flinch at the sudden roar of laughter or unexpected shouts as the men chattered.

One could've told her they had been in there for hours and the sun were to rise again soon, but nothing could be less true.

If the sun was preparing to rise again, they would've been in grave trouble. Because that meant Hal had never returned, suggesting that either Hal never made it back because Weaver wouldn't let him. Or something had happened to him.

After all, she wouldn't put it past Maggie to shoot him if he did something stupid. And her brother had his fair share of stupidly reckless decision making in the past six months.

They'd given him an hour to get to the Second Mass and back, and so far no one been killed. At least, that was assuming Tom was still alive and no one had come to get one of them. That's how she figured it must have been under the hour still.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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