i, seven

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Elizabeth hadn't spoken a single word when they made their way back to base, not only because she had a feeling she would get a lecture for pulling what she had. But mostly because she was trying to hide the pain that had begun to grow in her shoulder as the adrenaline begun to wear off.

Retreated so far into her own, she hadn't even heard a single thing said between her dad and the man they had just met. And didn't come out of her shell till the shadows of the Second Mass' hide out engulfed them.

She had heard Hal say something about how the recruiting flyers had been working. And it hadn't been just about them running into someone but rather the people that stood in the hall they approached, met by Colonel Weaver and Colonel Porter.

Tom had eyed the crowd of five new faces, the man at his side, "We should probably set up more than one meeting spot if the Skitters key on where we're meeting..."

And though at times she wondered where all these people had continued to come from after so many months. Her dad was right, the entire compound was a trap if one were to really think about it.

All the civilians that survived up to this point in one place would be the ultimate wipe out if the aliens ever found them. "We need more than one meeting spot."

The twenty year old had attempted to split off from the group to seek medical attention without being noticed, however the tug on her sleeve and the voice followed suit quietly, had momentarily kept her in place.

"You're not coming with us?"

The voice had belonged to Matt, his doe-eyes staring up at his sister with question. The two Masons lingering behind being left unnoticed as the others approached the two elder man.

She had mentioned how she was going to check on Anne. Hoping that the young boy wouldn't catch the reason as to why seeking her out were because of an injury and not just cause she were to see how the woman was doing.

Elizabeth had held her hands out for the boy to tap, "I'll find you after, okay?"

Matt had wordlessly tapped her hands before turning on his heels and rushing after the men as she shortly watched him disappear into the growing crowd.

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